What are the benefits of fennel tea and can it help with colic?

What are the benefits of fennel tea and can it help with colic?

Fennel tea is a popular non-caffeinated refreshment and is drunk by many seeking a warm drink without the buzz the regular teas and coffee can give you (great when you are breastfeeding or trying to reduce your caffeine intake). But what is the hype towards this drink and should you be drinking it too?

Background of Fennel tea

Fennel has been used as a natural medicine for centuries with its properties been having said to help prevent and relieve muscle spasms, improve digestion, flatulence and stomach cramps. Many of the symptoms associated with colic in infants.

The tea is made by steeping the ground dried seeds and sometimes the leaves in boiling water to create a mild aniseed/liquorice tasting drink clear golden yellow in colour. Before you hear liquorice and right it off, let me tell you I’ve had mums swear they detest liquorice with a passion but LOVE fennel tea and drink it religiously!

How can fennel tea help with colic?

When you breastfeed, the food and drink you consume are usually formed into your breast milk around 6 hours later (as an average, taking differing metabolisms into consideration). Its has been said that the benefits of the tea can pass through the milk so both mother and baby can experience relief from tummy discomfort and wind.

Do I have to drink it? 

In very small babies that are exclusively breastfed the easiest way to get the tea into them is by you drinking it. Bottle-fed babies and those who drink formula can also experience colic and tummy discomfort and you can give them some cool fennel tea to drink. Hipp Organic sells baby fennel tea and say it is suitable from one week of age.

What is colic?

Many people refer to their young baby as having colic many people have never heard of it before having children. Colic can start at different ages in babies but is a very common ailment. Here are some of the symptoms parents report:

  • it happens most often in the evening

  • they cry inconsolably for around 3 hours

  • it happens frequently (some experts say it can be classified as colic if it happens for 3 hours a day, at least 3 nights a week for roughly 3 months.

This can be an extremely distressing time and it feels like nothing you can do will help. There has been a lot of research into what Colic is and why some babies are affected by it, amongst other things, trapped wind is a common belief that effects colic that is where fennel tea comes into play. Here is some more information about how to identify if your baby may have colic and how you can help.

The hands of a Black mother resting on her mixed raced baby’s chest and tummy ready for baby massage. The baby is only in a nappy

During our Baby Massage and Baby Yoga classes we offer fennel tea to parents to drink. Many, like myself didn’t think they would like the taste of the tea and once they had tried it were pleasantly surprised and found they do enjoy the taste and it’s not to over powering-ly aniseed-y tasting. Which can be really off putting for many. I didn’t love it at first but now drink it daily and look forward to a cup of the warm tea as many of the mums attending class have told me! A plus side to drinking herbal teas is they’re still drinkable luke warm or cold - as many mothers know it can be almost impossible to finish a hot drink!

I encourage mothers to drink a cup of the tea during class and many mums have gone on to report a real change in their baby and the reduction of discomfort and they continue to drink the tea regularly outside of class.

Does it really work on colic? How to make the most out of adding fennel tea to your diet.

Maybe it’s a placebo or magic, herbal medicine magic. Who knows if it really works but taking into consideration ‘You are what you eat’ you probably wouldn’t drink lots of fizzy drinks or caffeine and not expect you & your little one to be buzzing around all day. Why not give it a try for a week and see if you notice any difference? If your baby suffers in the evenings be sure to drink some tea around mid day as on average it takes around 6 hours for what you consume to enter your breastmilk. If your baby suffers in the mornings drink some tea in the evening and the night feed early morning should be full of fennel goodness. Drinking Fennel tea compliments a good diet and regularly massaging your baby’s stomach to encourage bowel movements and the elimination of gases. If you’d like to learn some tried & tested baby massage strokes to help digestion check out our online learning videos we have a short course called Tummy Ease which is specifically designed using Baby Massage and Baby Yoga techniques to eliminate the symptoms of colic, wind, constipation & reflux. or join us in a face to face class.

How much fennel tea should I drink?

This will be trial and error on the time of day & the quantity, you might find that your baby only have one period of unsettledness during the day in which case perhaps just one cup around 6-8 hours before that period of time would be best. As fennel tea is completely natural & does not have any side effects you could drink it throughout the day & both you & baby would be fine.

Here are some of our favourite fennel tea brands

  • Twinnings

  • Pukka

  • Health & Heather

Buy organic if that is available to you. Or you could try and make some fennel tea for yourself. If you would like more information about the benefits of fennel tea and a recipe on how to make your own tea here is a blog we found useful. Please let us & other readers know in the comments below how you dealt with colic in your family & if there is anything else you tried that worked.

How else you can help your baby with colic

Adding fennel tea and regular massages to baby’s daily routine can really help with the symptoms of colic.

Book a Baby Massage class with us today to start helping your little one through a difficult time.

Take a sneak peak at our Tummy Ease online baby massage & yoga course

Try this baby massage stroke for tummy troubles (suitable from 6 weeks +)

Try these baby yoga moves for tummy troubles (suitable from 8 weeks +)

Learn Baby Massage with us online

Disclaimer: if you think your child may have colic or any other digestive issues please seek advise from a medical professional. In no way is drinking fennel tea an alternative to medical treatment or medicines.

Casey Downie-Campbell

Sensory Land is a mobile wellness company based in South London.

We provide a variety of services that include: Sound Healing, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Baby Massage, Baby Yoga, Story time, Nature Classes, birthday parties, weddings and events to support and nurture through the senses.

Est 2017 - South London


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