Sound Baths

Public & Private Group or 121 sessions

For all ages

What is sound healing?

Sound healing or sound therapy uses sonic sound vibrations to help a persons body return to homeostatis (harmony). Living in a modern world we are under a constant state of stress. Sound healing is an ancient medicine that uses various instruments to remind 100% of the body’s cells of its true function and has even been proven to change brain wave states and induce relaxation & mediative feelings. The receiver needs to do nothing more than relax, allow the sounds to wash over & through them & approach the session with an open mind.

Available for corporate events, weddings, baby showers, moving into a new home, events of all sizes, workshops, retreats, parties & more.

View upcoming public sound healing events below

Testimonial from Caroline - To be honest, I'm a little reluctant to tell people because they are so wonderful I'm worried I won't be able to book in the future as the sessions will be full as soon as tickets are released!

Do you want better sleep?

Sign up for our free adult sleep guide. 15 top tips to have you sleeping like a log from tonight!

What kind of instruments are used?

A variety of instruments are used to create a sound scape. You’ll be bathed in the gentle and soothing sounds of Crystal Singing Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Shamanic Drums, Chimes, Native American Flutes and more

Casey Downie-Campbell playing sound bowls in a lavender field


Made from clear quartz crystal this singing bowl is tuned to the heart chakra. Helpful in balancing heart dysfunctions such as loneliness, lack of self love and more. Close your eyes and focus on your heart space whilst listening to this sound


Casey Downie-Campbell performing a sound healing in Immanuel Church Streatham
Mum &  Baby wellness retreat Streatham. The session included Baby Massage, Baby Yoga & Sound healing

Wellbeing in the workplace

I am available for corporate, private bookings, festivals, retreats, weddings, 1:2:1’s and more. Sound Healing, Meditation & Yoga Nidra for maximum relaxation with minimal effort.


Learn more about the healing benefits of Sound Healing

We have lots of blogs to help you get a better understanding of sound healing and how to get the most out of your sessions. You can read our blog below

Enjoy some of our favourite sound healing music & follow us on Spotify