Baby Massage Casey Downie-Campbell Baby Massage Casey Downie-Campbell

7 Baby Massage and Yoga Tips from one mum to another

Meet Bex & her little boy, they LOVE Baby Massage & Yoga and have positively benefitted from learning it since her baby was around 8 weeks old.

Bex shares her top tips, from one mother to another on how to get the best out of your class for both you and your baby.

Mother and baby smiling

Guest Blog - Tips from one mother to another how to get the best from your baby massage & yoga class

Being a new mum is entering into a whole new world. Once you’ve figured out how to keep you and your little one alive, you wonder what should you do with your days? How can you best help your baby develop, enjoy themselves and thrive? And how can you do and stay sane (or as sane as possible)?

One of the very best ways of doing this for me has been baby massage. I started with baby massage beginnings, followed by baby massage and yoga combined and then baby stretch and sing classes. The intensely relaxing atmosphere (soothing music, dimmed lights, the glorious smell of orange blossom) was something I looked forward to each week. Massaging my baby was incredibly bonding, bringing a special warmth and closeness each time and on a practical level, I learnt helpful tips and techniques to use outside of class, as well as meeting some lovely mummy friends.

Here are some of the things I learnt from Sensory Land’s baby massage and yoga courses:

Arrive early

For the first couple of sessions, my little man did not play ball, crying and wriggling as I tried to give him a relaxing rub! But as the weeks went on, I got smarter about giving us both the best possible chance to get the most out of this fabulous class. So I started to arrive almost an hour early and settle him in a nearby coffee shop - feeding, changing him and generally attending to his needs so when we actually got to class he was in a zen-like state.

I love fennel tea

Who knew how delicious fennel tea could be? I’d never tried it before but a warm mug was provided in each lesson and I quickly developed a taste. I’ve since ordered stock for home (though I confess it never tastes quite as good when I brew it myself!).

How to do a “flying baby”

One of the favourite positions we learnt was the flying baby AKA Superbaby - putting baby carefully on your bent legs while you lie with your back on the floor. My son squealed in delight as he soared in the air, while my body got a small but much needed, workout at the same time.

It’s worth travelling for a good class

I almost didn’t sign up for the first baby massage course because it was further away from my home than I had planned to travel. However, I was persuaded by another mummy and I’m so pleased I was as it was the highlight of my week. The bus ride wasn’t half as bad as I imagined it might be and I then felt more confident about travelling further afield with bubba.

Baby massage isn’t just for mums

My hubby was able to come along to a session and got stuck in with the massage and yoga. He really loved seeing the enjoyment our boy got from the class and getting a little insight into how I was spending maternity leave.

dad and baby lying on the floor

It’s always a good time for a photoshoot

As well as wonderful baby massage, the classes were frequently set up for wonderful photoshoots. The best two photos I have of me and my boy - the ones (by far) I got the most compliments about - were taken in the class using simple, clever techniques to capture the joyful atmosphere. Frankly I’d have paid the price of the class again just for those amazing snaps. So, if you can find a class where it’s set up for photos and the teacher has a good eye, then all the better!

Online classes are great too

When social distancing meant the amazing face-to-face classes had to stop I was so worried I’d be massively missing out. But they quickly went online, and those classes were brilliant too. I still got the same bonding experience with my boy, and the brilliant instruction of tips, techniques and songs. To make the experience complete I simple spritzed some room spray and made myself a cup of fennel tea!

About the author

This blog was written by the lovely Bex, she began attending classes at Sensory Land when her little boy was around 8 weeks old. She is a fantastic supporter of all Sensory Land events, a wonderful mum and generally great human making all that attend classes with her feel welcome, comfortable & confident. It has been an absolute honour to watch her blossom over the months. We love Bex!

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Baby Massage Casey Downie-Campbell Baby Massage Casey Downie-Campbell

Benefits of Baby Massage for Babies & their Parents

Learn why Baby Massage is the perfect first activity to do with your baby. It is beneficial to both you and your baby.

The Benefits of Baby Massage for Babies and their Parents

The benefits of baby massage are not just enjoyed by the baby, they also positively affect the parent too. Whether it is related to physical or mental wellbeing, the outcomes of taking part in baby massage classes are noticeable almost immediately thanks to this special bonding activity between mum or dad and child.

Take a look at this infographic detailing the benefit of baby massage for both parties and if you want to find out more contact me today to discuss how baby massage can help you and your child. I can talk you through learning baby massage in a face to face class or through online tools, such as videos.

Benefits of Baby Massage for Babies


  • Promotes relaxation and prevents the damaging effects of stress.

  • Releases the ‘love hormone’, oxytocin.

  • Promotes bonding with parents through eye contact, touch, smell and body language.

  • Develops notions of trust and security that help baby form relationships


  • Offers relief from wind, constipation and stress hormones.


  • Stimulates nerve endings and creates pathways in the brain.

  • Helps circulation, carrying nutrients to organs and encouraging cell repair and growth.

  • Encourages proper functioning of lymphatic and digestive systems.


  • Teaches body awareness.

  • Encourages muscles and bones to strengthen.

Benefits of Baby Massage for Parents

Relax and Connect

  • Provides an opportunity for relaxation.

  • Baby massage groups provide an opportunity to socialise.

  • Offers a chance to play with baby and bond with them.


  • Releases oxytocin that can help manage postnatal depression.

  • Boosts confidence with baby.


  • Gives helpful tips for dealing with tummy issues, teething pain and congestion.

  • Creates structure to the day when utilised as part of a routine.

An infographic in pink and green describing the benefits of Baby Massage to both the baby and their parents. The benefits of Baby Massage for baby are to: relax, stimulate, develop & relieve. The benefits of massage for parents are to: relax &am…
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