Baby Massage Casey Downie-Campbell Baby Massage Casey Downie-Campbell

What Is Colic? What Causes It? And How Can Baby Massage And Baby Yoga Help?

Colic is a term commonly used to describe unsettled babies. Learn more about what colic is, how to identify it in your baby and most importantly how to help!

What Is Colic?

Colic is the name given to the reasons behind a normally healthy baby crying and fussing over an extended period of time. One standard given by many experts is that if they cry for more than three hours a day, three days a week until the baby is around three-months-old, they are said to have colic. The exact cause of colic is unknown, but there are a number of theories as to what is behind it, such as wind, overstimulation, immature digestive system.

The good news is that there are ways to manage colic and reduce the symptoms. Both baby massage and baby yoga can relax both parent and child, release wind, help develop the digestive system and stimulate happy hormones that relieve colic as much as possible.

This infographic provides more information about colic, its causes and the ways that baby massage and baby yoga help with colic. Contact me today to learn more about both of these activities that could make life happier for you and for baby.

Suggestions for Causes of Colic:

  • Baby might have an immature digestive system.

  • Overstimulation may have excess wind that is causing discomfort – perhaps swallowed during feeding or crying.

  • Baby Is over stimulated.

  • Baby has a cows milk protein allergy.

  • Baby’s Vagal nerve has impinged which can happen during delivery especially assisted delivery

Symptoms of Colic - Baby doesn’t have to display all of these signs to have colic.

  • Baby’s knees are bent up to their tummy.

  • They have a firm tummy.

  • You can hear or feel windy bubbles in their tummy.

  • The baby passes wind as they cry.

  • They cry excessively.

  • It is difficult to settle the baby.

  • Evenings are usually the most difficult.

  • They have a red or flushed face.

  • Lips are blue.

  • They clench their fists a lot.

How Baby Massage and Baby Yoga Helps

  • Stroking, hugging and holding increases oxytocin, the love hormone.

  • Higher levels of oxytocin reduce stress cortisol.

  • Replicating… peristalsis, the body’s natural function to move food and wind to the lower part of the bowel.

  • Relaxation encourages effective digestion.

  • Massage strokes can help relieve trapped wind by replicating the body’s natural functions.

  • Builds trust between baby and parent by demonstrating that you are listening to them and trying to help.

  • Stimulates and develops systems within the baby’s body.

Infographic of the causes of colic for mother and baby
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