Ceremonial cacao Casey Downie-Campbell Ceremonial cacao Casey Downie-Campbell

Exploring the World of Ceremonial Cacao

Learn about ceremonial cacao & how to start working with it.

Ceremonial cacao, which is often made into a rich chocolatey drink, has gained popularity in recent years due to its health benefits and ceremonial uses. So, what exactly is ceremonial cacao, and what are the benefits of drinking it?

Understanding Ceremonial Cacao

Ceremonial cacao is made from raw cacao beans grown in South America that undergo minimal processing, usually prepared in a ceremonial, intentional setting by farmers that protect & pray over the land. Unlike the common processed cacao, cocoa powder or chocolate, ceremonial cacao retains many of its natural compounds, which are believed to offer various health benefits.

Benefits of Consuming Ceremonial Cacao

Release of "Feel-Good" Chemicals

Drinking ceremonial cacao has been associated with the release of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin in the body. These neurotransmitters are often referred to as "feel-good" chemicals, contributing to a sense of well-being and happiness. As a result, consuming ceremonial cacao may be linked to an uplifted mood and enhanced emotional state.

Packed full of plant based Minerals

Copper, Iron & Magnesium

Iron & Copper are important in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body.

Magnesium is a mineral needed for over 300 different enzyme reactions in your body but lacking in many people’s diets. It helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heartbeat steady, and helps bones remain strong. It also helps adjust blood glucose levels.

Phosphorus, zinc & manganes

Phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese are vital for healthy bones

Cacao is packed with flavonoid antioxidants

Which have been associated with numerous health benefits.

Meditation & Ceremony

Cacao has been used as a plant medicine for many years to assist in both Meditation & Inner work. The spirit of cacao connects to the heart & has a feminine motherly energy.

Caffeine vs. Theobromine

Cacao contains both caffeine and theobromine (Food of the Gods), two natural compounds known for their stimulating effects. While caffeine is recognised for its quick and potent energising properties, theobromine offers a more sustained and gentle energy boost. When compared to caffeine, theobromine is believed to provide a smoother, longer-lasting energy lift without the jitters or crash commonly associated with caffeine consumption.

Other effects of Theobromine

Theobromine works on the cardiovascular system and is a vasodilator, which means it causes blood vessels to expand, which may lower the blood pressure.

Who is Ceremonial Cacao Not Suitable for

Although this natural plant medicine is very gentle and loving, it is not suitable for everyone. She is a fantastic aid in meditation, shamanic journeys, rituals & inner work delicately guiding you to open up your heart to receive love & process what you need to in a supported loving way. If you have a caffeine sensitivity, are pregnant or on certain types of medication it may be best to consult your medical professional before consuming cacao. You can read the full contraindications of cacao here.

Where to buy ceremonial cacao

We are fortunate in this modern day & age that we can very easily access most things most of the time. However, as this is such a sacred medicine and it is a real privilege for those of us not living in South America to be able to access this medicine, it is imperative that we shop respectfully and chose companies that honour the sacred traditions and give back to the land & the communities that grow the cacao.

Here are some things to consider when buying cacao:

  • Organically grown

  • No GMO

  • Ceremonial Grade

  • Wild Harvested

  • Fair Trade

  • Respects the farmers, tribes & their traditions

  • Promotes biodiversity & protects the land

I am a proud ambassador for organic ceremonial grade cacao via Rituals Cacao. You can order your smooth, chocolaty & creamy Ecuadorian Tsatsayaku cacao using my ambassador link & get 10% off using the code CASEY10

For future purchase please use my ambassador link & code, each purchase will give you a discounted product & I will receive a small commission for the introduction to the brand.



Ceremonial cacao offers a myriad of potential benefits through its natural and minimally processed form, such as the release of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, as well as the unique interplay between caffeine and theobromine. When considering the use of ceremonial cacao, it is evident that it holds a unique place in various cultural and spiritual practices. The rich history and tradition surrounding ceremonial cacao offer a deeper connection to ancient rituals and mindfulness. While users may experience different effects, it is important to approach ceremonial cacao with respect and understanding of its cultural significance.

However, as with any natural remedy or dietary supplement, it is crucial for individuals to assess their specific health needs and seek guidance from a healthcare professional before incorporating ceremonial cacao into their wellness routine, especially if there are concerns or contraindications with existing medical conditions.

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Ceremonial cacao Casey Downie-Campbell Ceremonial cacao Casey Downie-Campbell

The contraindications of Ceremonial Cacao

Learn about ceremonial cacao and whether it is suitable for you

When considering ceremonial cacao, it's important to be aware of potential contraindications. While ceremonial cacao is very gentle and generally well-tolerated by most individuals, there are some contraindications to be mindful of.

the difference between Ceremonial Cacao, Cacao & Chocolate

First it is important to recognise that there are some large differences between these three foods & therefore the effects on the body are different. Whilst all three originate from the same place, the cacao bean, native to South America the process from bean to final product is quite different.

Ceremonial grade Cacao

Is grown on sacred land by farmers that uphold ancient traditions that honour the land & plant medicine. It is hand picked & fermented keeping the potent health benefits & nutrients


Is not grown in the same ritualistic way as ceremonial cacao & the process of low heat roasting & processing looses many of the health benefits. Unless it is specified as organic and no GMO there may have been chemicals used to grow the crop.


Is mass produced often using chemicals & pesticides. The beans are then roasted which changes the chemical structure of the plant. One combined with fat & sugar almost all benefits of this plant are lost.

What are the contraindications of Ceremonial Cacao

SSRI’s antidepressants (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)

Please avoid consuming cacao if you are taking high doses of SSRIs. Cacao releases serotonin, so it works as a mild antidepressant. When taken with SSRIs that release serotonin chemically it can lead to serotonin syndrome.

Those on low doses of SSRIs and who drink coffee regularly, may choose to start on 10g cacao daily, and see how you get on. If you start getting a headache, or any other symptoms please stop and check with your doctor.

Individuals taking MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) should avoid consuming ceremonial cacao due to potential interactions.


It is recommended you reduce or cut out consumption of caffeine & stimulants during pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding. If you already consume these you may choose to consume cacao but at a lower dose of 10 grams. Many women chose to work with Cacao as a heart opener and a way to increase love & good feelings whilst pregnant or breastfeeding.

Adrenal Fatigue

Regular high doses of ceremonial cacao can also lead to adrenal fatigue

Pre-existing heart conditions or on heart medication

Cacao works on the heart & blood vessels so please speak with your doctor before consuming

High blood pressure or medication for blood pressure

Cacao works on the heart & blood vessels so please speak with your doctor before consuming

If you have a sensitivity to caffine

If you drink coffee, green tea or black tea, you should be able to drink cacao. Perhaps start with a smaller dose to begin with. Don’t consume on an empty stomach and leave a gap before going to sleep e.g. no caffeine after 12pm daily.

Certain psychiatric conditions

Cacao releases serotonin, endorphins and dopamine so generally creates feelings of wellbeing and euphoria. It has supported many people who feel anxious, stressed & depressed. However, it is advised you speak with your medical professional before consuming.

It's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating ceremonial cacao into your wellness practices, especially if you have any underlying health concerns or are taking medications.

Where to begin

If you are new to drinking cacao it is wise for you to begin with a smaller dose (around 10 grams) and gradually build up your dosage.

Ceremonial dose is 42 grams.

Daily meditational dose is 20 - 25 grams.

It is not recommended that you drink ceremonial doses daily & if you would like to work with cacao on a daily basis and replace other drinks such as coffee, black tea or energy drinks use a meditational dose of 20 - 25 grams a day.

Buy Ceremonial Cacao

If you would like to purchase Organic, Non GMO, Fair trade cacao I am the proud ambassador of Ritual Cacao which sells Ecuadorian Tsatsayaku cacao. Use my ambassador link & get 10% off using the code CASEY10 - I will receive a small commission on all sales using my link.

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