Casey Downie-Campbell Casey Downie-Campbell

What is a Sankalpa and how to create your own

Sankalpa, a Sanskrit term translating to "intention" or "resolve", holds a deep significance in yogic and Vedic traditions. It is a powerful practice of setting a positive and affirmative intention aligned with one's true purpose to manifest change and transformation. Sounds wonderful right? You might be asking yourself β€˜how can I create a sankalpa?’ & I am here to show you how!

Understanding what a Sankalpa is, and how to create one

Sankalpa, a Sanskrit term translating to "intention" or "resolve", holds a deep significance in yogic and Vedic traditions. It is a powerful practice of setting a positive and affirmative intention aligned with one's true purpose to manifest change and transformation. Sounds wonderful right? You might be asking yourself β€˜how can I create a sankalpa?’ & I am here to show you how!

When creating a Sankalpa, it is crucial to adhere to some essential guidelines.
Creating a Sankalpa
1. It is a long term goal: Instead of wishing for a nice new pair of designer shoes for this weekend its something wholesome & that you work towards over a longer term.

2. Concise and Positive Language: Craft your Sankalpa using clear and positive language. Avoid ambiguity and embrace unwavering confidence in your desire. For instance, "I am joyful and at peace" holds more power than "I want to be happier."
3. Present Tense: Frame your Sankalpa in the present tense to reinforce the idea that your intention is already unfolding in the present moment, such as "I am living a healthy and balanced life."
4. Confidence in Purpose: Eliminate any uncertainties and be assured of your Sankalpa's purpose. This unwavering conviction forms an integral part of the Sankalpa's potency.
Things to Remember

  • Flexibility in Change: A Sankalpa is not set in stone. You are free to modify and refine your Sankalpa at any time as your needs and aspirations evolve. Take some time to create your sankalpa, perhaps writing down a few variations & refining it using the guidelines above

  • Word Power: Remember that the words you choose for your Sankalpa hold potent energy. Select them wisely, for they have the potential to shape your reality.

  • Pledge: This is a vow to yourself what is your deepest hope, dream & desire

  • Its personal: Don’t try and copy anyone else’s sankalpa as it won’t be authentic to you

  • It’s private: How you use it is up to you. You can keep it private if it contains things you wouldn’t normally say to others. Or you can shout it from the rooftops & write it all over your journal & post it notes around the house. Choose what is best for you

Examples of a sankalpa

  • I trust in my ability to be a present, patient & loving parent to my children

  • I see blessings everyday

  • I am safe, healthy & fulfilled

  • My body is strong & capable to climb a mountain

Comparison between a New Years resolution & Sankalpa

New Years Resolution = I am going to give up booze

Sankalpa = I nourish my body with the foods & drinks that sustain me & help me to thrive

How do i know if i have created a good sankalpa?

Each person is individual as are their wants, needs & desires. When you create your sankalpa it should be easy to say and feel right both to your mind & body. When you say & think it it should cause you to feel the joy & gratitude as if the thing is already happening within your life. Sometimes at first you may need to intentionally evoke the feelings within you but with time the words & feelings will become so well associated that they will easily flow together.

Practising Your Sankalpa

There is no limit as to when and how often you should say your sankalpa. If you practise yoga nidra or meditation you can naturally include it in those practises. Aim to say it at least 3 times per day. Here are some examples of times you can say your sankalpa.

When you are sad - Use it to ground you in the moment & remind you you are on the right path.
Before starting your day - Use it to keep you on track and to remind you that every action you take is a step closer to your goal

During happy moments - Such as during meals, gatherings with loved ones, or moments of intimacy, to reinforce your Sankalpa and align your mind with your purpose.

Can I Go Wrong?

While there is no inherently wrong way to create a Sankalpa, it is vital to approach it with sincerity and clarity. Trust in your intention and stay open to refining it for your higher good.
Embracing the practice of Sankalpa involves a profound understanding of the influence of language, the power of intention, and the ability to integrate it seamlessly into various aspects of your life.

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Energy Work, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell Energy Work, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell

Embrace the Mystical Power of Moon Elixir Water

The moon's energy can be captured and infused into water, creating a powerful elixir? Moon Elixir Water harnesses the energy and frequencies emitted by the moon, providing a gateway to the astral realm and its vast potential.

Embrace the Mystical Power of Moon Elixir Water

What it is and how to make it

Welcome moon friends! This blog is going to explain the incredible benefits of moon elixir water, how you can make your own (for free) and why you will want to! Moon Elixir Water, is a mystical and intriguing elixir that promises a multitude of benefits. From promoting emotional well-being to enhancing spiritual connection, Moon Elixir Water offers a unique and captivating experience for those who seek a deeper connection to the universe.

Astral Energies Beyond Our Reach

The moon, with its mesmerizing glow and celestial charm, has captivated humanity for centuries. Artists have immortalized its beauty, poets have penned verses about its serenity, and mystics have sought solace within its ethereal aura. The very fact that you are reading this blog tells me at some point you have been effected by the moon, perhaps by its beauty in a starry sky, or by the way it makes you feel at certain times in the month?

The moon's energy can be captured and infused into water, creating a powerful elixir. Moon Elixir Water harnesses the energy and frequencies emitted by the moon, providing a gateway to the astral realm and its vast potential.

Emotional Balance and Healing

In this fast-paced world, juggling personal and professional responsibilities can often leave us feeling overwhelmed and emotionally drained. Moon Elixir Water is believed to have a soothing effect on our emotional well-being. By drinking this elixir, you invite the moon's gentle energy into your life, allowing it to alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional turbulence. It promotes a sense of calmness, grounding, and balance, helping you flow & navigate through life's challenges with grace and resilience.

Amplify Your Intuition and Spiritual Connection

The moon has always been associated with intuition and spiritual awakening. The energy it radiates can serve as a conduit to higher realms of consciousness. Moon Elixir Water acts as a catalyst for deepening your spiritual connection, awakening your intuitive powers, and enhancing your ability to tap into your inner wisdom. Regular consumption of this elixir can help you gain clarity, unlock your latent potential, and embark on a profound journey of self-discovery.

Rituals and Moon Cycles

The moon's waxing and waning cycles have long been regarded as auspicious times for various rituals and practices. Moon Elixir Water can be incorporated into your spiritual routine, enabling you to align your energies with the specific lunar phases. Whether it's charging the elixir under the full moon to harness its potent energy or using it during meditation and reflection, Moon Elixir Water allows you to cultivate a deeper connection with the cycles of nature, aiding personal growth and transformation.

How to Make Moon Elixir Water

Creating Moon Elixir Water is a simple process that can be easily incorporated into your daily life. I like to infuse my elixir with positive intentions and crystals & therefore receive extra benefits. You could have some herbs, fruits or spices in the water such as rosemary, mint, cinnamon, rose, ginger etc.

🌝 Fill a glass container or bottle, preferably a clear one, with filtered water ( I use distilled water as it is pure & will also last longer stored).

🌝 Place the container outside under the light of the moon (or on the window cill), ensuring it is not obstructed by any surrounding objects.

🌝 Add crystals of your choice either inside or around the container (warning, not all crystals are safe when they come into contact with water) I like to use clear quartz & rose quartz.

🌝 Say your positive intention to the water

🌝 Leave it overnight of the full moon, allowing the water to absorb the moon's energy.

🌝 The full moon energy is strong for 3 days either side so could have a couple of chances each month

🌝 In the morning, your Moon Elixir Water will be charged and ready for consumption.

🌟Remember to express gratitude to the moon for its gift before drinking.

How to use full moon elixir

This super charged moon energy water is really powerful & a little goes a long way. I often make up a couple of litre bottles and they last throughout the month. Any where you would normally use water you can add some of your elixir.

🌝 To stay hydrated. I add a splash to my water bottle

🌝 In teas

🌝 in cacao

🌝 I add some to my bath

🌝 I water my plants with it

If you’d like to learn more about how we can positively effect water & receive those benefits too, then check out this book by Dr Emoto The True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering Ourselves

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