Enhancing the Energy of Crystals: Your Guide to Cleansing and Utilising Crystal Energies

Enhancing the Energy of Crystals: Your Guide to Cleansing and Utilising Crystal Energies

Welcome fellow crystal lovers! If you are new to working with crystals this is an exciting journey you’re embarking on, little did I know when my friend gifted me a carnelian necklace to support me through grief when my dad died that I would have so many & that they would play such an important part in my every day life. If you’ve been working with crystals for sometime, there’s always something else to learn or to jog your memory so keep reading to learn how to cleanse & reset your crystals so they can serve you to their highest potential.

Crystals possess unique energies that can assist in transforming and transmuting other energies. However, they require regular cleansing, especially if they have been exposed to negative energies from individuals or have supported you during a transitional period. Cleansing methods vary, and it is crucial to select appropriate techniques based on the type of crystal you possess. Here, we provide you with an essential guide to maximize your crystal's potential.

Connecting with Your Crystals

When you first acquire a crystal, it is important to cleanse it thoroughly to remove any energies it may have absorbed along its journey. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced crystal enthusiast, each encounter with these precious gems offers excitement and a chance to expand your knowledge. Crystals work best if they know what you want them to do. So perhaps at the time of purchase you could set an intention for each one or each time you cleanse or wear them etc. They’re very smart and intuitive and will have your best interests at heart so even if you haven’t got a specific intention they will do their thing.

Exploring Crystal Applications

Discover the myriad of ways you can incorporate crystals into your daily life. From adorning your body with them for protection to using them as crystal singing bowls or even planting them within your plant pots, the possibilities are endless. Allow them to infuse their energies into your water, create mesmerising moon elixirs, or bathe alongside them for deep relaxation. Embrace their beauty as you decorate your home, infusing every corner with their positive vibrations.

Renewing Your Crystals' Energies

To maintain the vitality of your crystals, regular cleansing rituals are essential. Consider these effective methods to cleanse your crystals and revitalise their energies:
1. Moon glow: Allow the light of the moon to shine upon your crystals & charge them

2. Water: Immerse your crystals in cleansing water

3. Smudging: Utilise the sacred smoke of sage or other cleansing herbs to purify your crystals. Ignite a sage stick and pass your crystals through the aromatic smoke, setting the intention to release any unwanted energies. Check out our sage smudge stick bundles here.

4: Continual cleansing with other stones: Pair your crystals with other cleansing crystals such as Carnelian and Selenite to amplify the cleansing process.
5. Salt: Nest them in a bed of salt to cleanse away stagnant energies.

6. Mother natures embrace: Bury your crystals within the earth & leave over night
7. Nature's Flow: Rinse your crystals in the flow of a river, the sea, or any other natural water source.
8. Father sun’s kiss: Leave your crystals in the sun to be cleansed & refreshed

By applying these methods, you can restore your crystals' vibrant energies, ensuring they continue to support you on your journey.

How I use my crystals

🔮 I wear them

🔮 Protect my house

🔮 Play them as crystal singing bowls

🔮 Plant them into my plant pots

🔮 Gift them

🔮 Infuse into water

🔮 Make moon elixir water

🔮 Bathe with them

🔮 Decorate my home

How do you use & cleanse your crystals?

Let me know in the comments below :-)

If you want to learn more about crystals the crystal bible is a brilliant book.

Casey Downie-Campbell

Sensory Land is a mobile wellness company based in South London.

We provide a variety of services that include: Sound Healing, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Baby Massage, Baby Yoga, Story time, Nature Classes, birthday parties, weddings and events to support and nurture through the senses.

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