Sweet Sleepy Baby - Mini Online Baby Massage Course

Sale Price:£11.99 Original Price:£29.97

Banish bedtime blues, sleep is about to get a whole lot better for both you & your baby!

Improve sleep for both baby and you with the Sweet Sleepy Baby minicourse. You’ll get access to a video massage course designed to help relax babies and encourage better sleep. Plus info-packed guides full of tools and tips for supporting your baby.

Mini-Course for babies 6 weeks old to roughly 6 months old

Purchase Course

Banish bedtime blues, sleep is about to get a whole lot better for both you & your baby!

Improve sleep for both baby and you with the Sweet Sleepy Baby minicourse. You’ll get access to a video massage course designed to help relax babies and encourage better sleep. Plus info-packed guides full of tools and tips for supporting your baby.

Mini-Course for babies 6 weeks old to roughly 6 months old

Banish bedtime blues, sleep is about to get a whole lot better for both you & your baby!

Improve sleep for both baby and you with the Sweet Sleepy Baby minicourse. You’ll get access to a video massage course designed to help relax babies and encourage better sleep. Plus info-packed guides full of tools and tips for supporting your baby.

Mini-Course for babies 6 weeks old to roughly 6 months old

Banish Bedtime Blues

Improve sleep for both baby and you with the Sweet Sleepy Baby minicourse. You’ll get access to a video massage course designed to help relax babies and encourage better sleep. Plus info-packed guides full of tools and tips for supporting your baby.

Mini-Course for 6 weeks old +

Read our Contraindications list here.


Understandably, if baby doesn’t sleep well, then you don’t sleep well. Caring for someone who relies on you so much, or juggling work with lack of sleep can leave you feeling absolutely exhausted and completely frazzled. That’s why I have created this mini course, to help improve sleep for your whole family

There are so many reasons why baby’s sleep could be affected and it’s often a combination of many things. It could be to do with their feeding, their winding or even just what they did and didn’t do during the day. We cover all of this in detail in this minicourse and I show you the best massage moves to help with digestion, congestion and relaxation. All in the aim of improving baby’s sleep...and therefore improving your sleep!

This fun video guide walks you through how to do each massage move in a way that you both enjoy while avoiding anything too overwhelming or over-stimulating for baby. 

This is the must-have addition to your bedtime routine for both you and your baby to get better sleep!

Suitable for babies over 6 weeks of age.

You can complete this minicourse in a day we recommend watching and joining along with the video routine multiple times. 


this course is for you if…

💜 Your little one is struggling to sleep

💜 You’d like to help your baby transition from being nocturnal to being more awake during the day

💜 You want to gain a deeper understanding of the science of baby sleep & how it changes during the first year

💜 You want to gain superhero status and preempt when your baby needs to sleep

💜 You want your baby to have quality naps & night time sleeps so that you can catch up on sleep too! Or those errands you want to do…

💜 You want to add massage into your daily & bedtime routine
💜 You want to learn how to use baby massage sooth & settle your baby.

💜 You want to make sure you’re doing the massage strokes correctly for maximum benefit

💜 You want to know what else you can do alongside massage to help improve your baby’s sleep.


What’s Included in the Sweet Sleepy Baby Online Course?

👶 Baby Massage Video Guide

Teaching you the best massage moves to help your baby relax, settle and encourage improved sleep.

👶 Sweet Sleepy Baby Guide

An in-depth guide to all things baby sleep! Full of really helpful tips and information including cycles, habits, cues and how massage can help with sleep.

👶 Baby Massage Guide

Helping you and your baby to get the most out of baby massage.

👶 Bedtime Massage Tips

How to set the scene for bedtime massage

👶 Extra Tips

Other ways to support your baby and advice on how to improve sleep for both of you.


Don't Just Take Our Word for It: Hear What Our Customers Have to Say!

At Sensory Land, we take pride in providing our customers with exceptional products and unforgettable experiences. But you don't have to take our word for it - let our satisfied customers do the talking! We believe in transparency and want to share their honest feedback to give you a glimpse into what awaits you in a Baby Massage or Baby Yoga class with Sensory Land.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The course is filmed using multiple angles so you can see front view (as you would in a face to face class), birds eye & side view.

    Full descriptions are shared of how to do the move & its benefits. Plus some of the more complex moves have on screen animations to help you.

    If you have any questions or you aren’t sure, feel free to send Casey an email at casey@sensoryland.com and she’ll be happy to help.

  • This is baby dependant & it can change between each massage.

    As a general rule of thumb we say not too lightly that it is ticklish & not too firmly it is uncomfortable. Around the same pressure you would use to stroke a cat or a dog.

    Keep checking in with your baby throughout the massage, verbally asking them if it feels good & watch their cues. This could be physical cues such as smiling at you, looking relaxed with big belly breathing and relaxed arms, squirming, looking away or uncomfortable.

    Verbal cues could be baby babbling & cooing or crying.

    You know your baby best, try a medium pressure and see how they respond. Remember to reassure baby with smiles, eye contact & your words throughout

  • This is suitable for babies over the age of 6 weeks until they are no longer happy to have a massage which could be for years!

  • You know your baby best, giving them a massage can certainly help calm & soothe them but, if they are too tired it may be best to wait.

    We want to create a positive association with massage. It should be something that baby enjoys & benefits from.

  • Have you ever had a lovely massage and drifted off during it? I know I have! This is because our nervous system calms down and our body feels safe enough to go to sleep. If your baby falls asleep during a message you can keep going so long as they are happy. However, if your baby doesn't stay awake when transferred to their bed then you may want to doo a shorter massage and finish before they fall asleep. You can even do the massage earlier in the day.

  • As the expression goes, never wake a sleeping baby. If your baby has fallen asleep before their massage, that’s ok. Don’t wake them & if they wake up, you can do it then.

  • Doing a massage every evening before bed is a fantastic way to help baby establish a routine - a series of events that mean it is time for a big sleep. Babies thrive on knowing what to expect. Adapt this for your families needs but why not try a massage after bath time before you put their pyjamas on. Finish off with cuddles, maybe a sleepy song like twinkle twinkle and your good night phrase.

  • 30-40 minutes after a feed and up to 60 minutes after a feed for refluxy or sicky babies.

  • You will need to wait 24-48 hours after your baby has had their vaccinations to give them a massage. It is unsafe to do so before this time. Also note, the area on their body they were injected can be sore for up to 12 days after so go around that space.

  • Keep baby’s clothes on. It is absolutely fine to give baby a massage over their clothes. If you would really like to try with oil for skin to skin try and do massage at a time of day when baby is already undressed. E.g. at bath time. Make sure that baby is warm enough and there are no drafts. You can also try just undressing the area you are working with e.g. just their legs and feet.

  • This usually means baby has another need that needs meeting. That could be that they are hungry, tired, ready to move on.

    Crying is just your baby’s way of communicating with you and usually doesn’t mean that they don’t like massage or you are doing it wrong.

    Try and set the scene before you begin, have everything you need ready, calm yourself with some nice deep breaths and begin with some cuddles with baby. Talk to them and let them know what is happening. Give baby lots of smiles and reassurance and move at a pace that suits them.

    When you ask for permission be sure to look for babies physical and verbal cues. Do they look calm and relaxed? Are they tired and yawning? How is the pressure?

  • 1 minute of massage with a happy and healthy baby is better than doing the whole routine with your baby when they are not ready. You know your baby best, adapt the routine for their needs. If there are any moves that baby loves do lots of those.

  • Every day! Wouldn’t you love a daily pampering session? Massage is brilliant for yours and baby’s bond, getting to know each other, building trust and communication as well as all of the health benefits to baby such as digestion, sleep and general wellbeing. Even just a few minutes a day can make a huge different. Why not try and incorporate it into your daily routine.

  • No. Tummy massage is easiest whilst baby is laying down and it is generally safer to massage with baby laying down but, all massage can be adapted to different positions. If your baby doesn’t enjoy laying down you could try some other positions such as baby sitting on your lap facing away from you. Recline baby into your body by having their hips slightly further forward than their head. This will help keep them upright.

  • There is no right time for everyone. Some families enjoy a morning massage with lots of songs as a way to entertain & tire their baby. Others use it as part of the bedtime routine and it is very calm and quiet.

    The strokes in the sweet sleepy baby have been specifically chosen to help calm things down & get baby sleepy, therefore we like it best before sleep time before baby gets too tired.

    Test out a few different times of day and choose the one that suits your families needs best.

  • There are some health conditions that mean giving baby a massage is not suitable. You can read about them in our Contraindications list.


How to Download This Course

After you purchase this course, you will receive a PDF by email with a link to a password-protected Dropbox folder along with the password. Please download the materials to your personal device for lifetime access.

If you have any trouble getting into the folder, viewing the materials, or downloading them, please reach out to us for help!


Hi I'm Casey,

I’m the founder of Sensory Land and creator of online courses for parents. I’m an experienced and professional maternity nurse, nanny, breastfeeding specialist, and baby massage and yoga instructor. From Streatham, South West London I have helped hundreds of families with my baby yoga and baby massage techniques, I’ve first hand seen the amazing transformations families have had and I really want to help you too.

I knew I was on to something and I wanted to share my learning to help as many people as possible so in 2019 I created these amazing online courses so you can learn when you want, where you want and how you want for your family.

I have worked with Yahoo, Lauren Pope (TOWIE & The Mum Space), Hello Mums, The Mummy Circle, Birthing in Colour, Museum of the home and More.

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