Energy Work, Sound Healing, Wellness, Yoga Nidra Casey Downie-Campbell Energy Work, Sound Healing, Wellness, Yoga Nidra Casey Downie-Campbell

How to become a Sound Sanctuary Member

The most relaxing evening of your month

Monday you will thank you for booking

The Sound Sanctuary is a monthly sound bath held at The Mat Sanctuary in Streatham, London. It includes, breath work, meditation or Yoga Nidra (motionless yoga), sound healing, a mini head massage and a sharing and integration session with herbal tea & snacks. The beautiful boutique studio is limited to 9 places. 6 of those places being exclusive to members.

If you would like to become a member it is quick & easy and have a list of benefits including:

  • Discounted monthly sound healings - saving you £36 per year

  • Automatically get booked in for all future classes - no need to lift a finger

  • Reserve your space - ensure your space in class is held

  • Get priority bookings and special offers on other classes & events

Step by step how to get set up 

1 - Head to


3 - Press select on Sound Sanctuary membership. 

Then View selection at the bottom of the page

4 - You will then be in the checkout area and be prompted to select a ticket before you can proceed and book. 

5 - Please go to the next available Sound Sanctuary 

6 - Scroll down to the tickets for The Sound Sanctuary and select Sound Sanctuary Membership. 

You will see two items in your basket at the top of the screen. 

Select check out

7 - In checkout you will see the ticket & sound sanctuary membership option. 

The total should be £25

Click book now & enter your contact details

8 - Sit back & relax!

After your booking has been confirmed, I will book you in for all sessions remaining in the calendar. Your space in class will be reserved and all you need to do is add all dates to our diary and show up on the day. 

Payments will be auto generated each month.

Any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

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Family life, Energy Work, Sound Healing, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell Family life, Energy Work, Sound Healing, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell

Clearing Out Old Energies: The Benefits of a home energy clearing for New Homeowners

Buying a new home is undoubtedly an exciting milestone in anyone's life, but it can also bring about a fair share of stress and anxiety. Just as you would meticulously clean and refresh the physical aspects of your new home, it is equally important to consider the energetic state of your space.

Transform Your New Home with Casey Downie-Campbell's Healing Services

Buying a new home is undoubtedly an exciting milestone in anyone's life, but it can also bring about a fair share of stress and anxiety. Just as you would meticulously clean and refresh the physical aspects of your new home, it is equally important to consider the energetic state of your space. This is where Casey Downie-Campbell, a renowned Reiki Master, Sound & Intuitive Healer, can offer her expert assistance.

Casey understands that the energy within a home plays a significant role in shaping our experiences and overall well-being. When we step into a new space, we can unknowingly absorb any lingering energies from previous owners or the stress associated with the sale. By taking the time to cleanse, refresh, and set the energy of your home, you create a harmonious environment that aligns with your intentions.

Drawing on her extensive knowledge and experience, Casey will come to your home, providing a thorough scan to identify any heavy, stagnant, or negative energies. Using a combination of powerful techniques such as Reiki, sound healing, and ceremonial smudging, she will cleanse the space, effortlessly clearing away any unwanted energies that may be present. These methods effectively make space for your own energy intentions, allowing you to cultivate positivity and progress going forward.

As the house becomes cleared, set, and blessed through Casey's healing services, you will undoubtedly notice a palpable shift in the energy surrounding you. A newfound lightness will infuse the environment, creating a sanctuary of positive energy where you can fully embrace the next chapter of your life.

Embark on this transformative journey with Casey and experience the power of energetic cleansing and intention setting for your new home. Let the energetic rebirth align your space with your desires, whether it be the start of a fulfilling family life, the inclusion of beloved children and pets, or the haven you envision for your remaining years. The possibilities are endless when you foster an environment that supports your intentions and uplifts your spirit.

Make your new home truly your own, not only by decorating and furnishing it with your personal touch, but by rejuvenating the energy that fills every corner. Trust in Casey's expertise to create a space that welcomes and nurtures you, leaving you with a renewed sense of peace, harmony, and endless possibilities.

Book an appointment with Casey today and embark on a journey of energetic transformation for your new home.

Face to face appointments are in London & the surrounding areas. If you would like to work with me & you live further away we can conduct your appointment virtually.

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Wellness, Sound Healing, Energy Work Casey Downie-Campbell Wellness, Sound Healing, Energy Work Casey Downie-Campbell

Enhancing the Energy of Crystals: Your Guide to Cleansing and Utilising Crystal Energies

Crystals possess unique energies that can assist in transforming and transmuting other energies. However, they require regular cleansing, especially if they have been exposed to negative energies from individuals or have supported you during a transitional period. Cleansing methods vary, and it is crucial to select appropriate techniques based on the type of crystal you possess.

Enhancing the Energy of Crystals: Your Guide to Cleansing and Utilising Crystal Energies

Welcome fellow crystal lovers! If you are new to working with crystals this is an exciting journey you’re embarking on, little did I know when my friend gifted me a carnelian necklace to support me through grief when my dad died that I would have so many & that they would play such an important part in my every day life. If you’ve been working with crystals for sometime, there’s always something else to learn or to jog your memory so keep reading to learn how to cleanse & reset your crystals so they can serve you to their highest potential.

Crystals possess unique energies that can assist in transforming and transmuting other energies. However, they require regular cleansing, especially if they have been exposed to negative energies from individuals or have supported you during a transitional period. Cleansing methods vary, and it is crucial to select appropriate techniques based on the type of crystal you possess. Here, we provide you with an essential guide to maximize your crystal's potential.

Connecting with Your Crystals

When you first acquire a crystal, it is important to cleanse it thoroughly to remove any energies it may have absorbed along its journey. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced crystal enthusiast, each encounter with these precious gems offers excitement and a chance to expand your knowledge. Crystals work best if they know what you want them to do. So perhaps at the time of purchase you could set an intention for each one or each time you cleanse or wear them etc. They’re very smart and intuitive and will have your best interests at heart so even if you haven’t got a specific intention they will do their thing.

Exploring Crystal Applications

Discover the myriad of ways you can incorporate crystals into your daily life. From adorning your body with them for protection to using them as crystal singing bowls or even planting them within your plant pots, the possibilities are endless. Allow them to infuse their energies into your water, create mesmerising moon elixirs, or bathe alongside them for deep relaxation. Embrace their beauty as you decorate your home, infusing every corner with their positive vibrations.

Renewing Your Crystals' Energies

To maintain the vitality of your crystals, regular cleansing rituals are essential. Consider these effective methods to cleanse your crystals and revitalise their energies:
1. Moon glow: Allow the light of the moon to shine upon your crystals & charge them

2. Water: Immerse your crystals in cleansing water

3. Smudging: Utilise the sacred smoke of sage or other cleansing herbs to purify your crystals. Ignite a sage stick and pass your crystals through the aromatic smoke, setting the intention to release any unwanted energies. Check out our sage smudge stick bundles here.

4: Continual cleansing with other stones: Pair your crystals with other cleansing crystals such as Carnelian and Selenite to amplify the cleansing process.
5. Salt: Nest them in a bed of salt to cleanse away stagnant energies.

6. Mother natures embrace: Bury your crystals within the earth & leave over night
7. Nature's Flow: Rinse your crystals in the flow of a river, the sea, or any other natural water source.
8. Father sun’s kiss: Leave your crystals in the sun to be cleansed & refreshed

By applying these methods, you can restore your crystals' vibrant energies, ensuring they continue to support you on your journey.

How I use my crystals

🔮 I wear them

🔮 Protect my house

🔮 Play them as crystal singing bowls

🔮 Plant them into my plant pots

🔮 Gift them

🔮 Infuse into water

🔮 Make moon elixir water

🔮 Bathe with them

🔮 Decorate my home

How do you use & cleanse your crystals?

Let me know in the comments below :-)

If you want to learn more about crystals the crystal bible is a brilliant book.

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Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell

Boosting Employee Productivity with Sound Healing in the Workplace

Businesses constantly seek ways to optimise processes, streamline workflows, and extract maximum efficiency from their teams. However, the key to sustained productivity lies not just in optimizing external factors, but also in nurturing the internal well-being of employees.

In today's article, we'll explore an innovative approach to enhancing employee productivity in the corporate world—Sound Healing in the Workplace. As more businesses prioritise employee well-being, sound healing emerges as a potent tool to boost productivity and create a harmonious work environment.

The Quest for Enhanced Productivity

In the fast-paced corporate landscape, productivity is often hailed as the holy grail of success. Businesses constantly seek ways to optimise processes, streamline workflows, and extract maximum efficiency from their teams. However, the key to sustained productivity lies not just in optimising external factors, but also in nurturing the internal well-being of employees.

The Sound of Serenity: Sound Healing Defined

Sound healing is an ancient practice that harnesses the therapeutic qualities of sound to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. By utilising instruments like singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks, practitioners create soothing soundscapes that resonate with the body and mind, inducing a state of calm and balance.

Unveiling the Connection: Sound Healing and Productivity

It might seem unconventional, but the synergy between sound healing and employee productivity is remarkable. Here's how sound healing can contribute to a more productive workplace:

1. Stress Reduction and Focus Enhancement

Stress is the arch-nemesis of productivity. Studies have shown that excessive stress leads to burnout, reduced concentration, and decreased work quality. Sound healing sessions in the workplace can help employees manage stress, promoting a focused and alert state of mind essential for productive work.

2. Boosting Creativity and Innovation

Creativity is the driving force behind innovation, and sound healing has been linked to enhanced creative thinking. The gentle vibrations of sound can stimulate the brain's creative centers, leading to fresh ideas and innovative solutions to challenges.

3. Creating a Positive Work Environment

A harmonious work environment positively influences employee morale and engagement. Sound healing sessions foster a sense of well-being and unity among team members, contributing to a positive workplace culture that encourages collaboration and shared goals.

4. Enhancing Energy and Vitality

Low energy levels can sabotage productivity. Sound healing revitalizes the body's energy centers, leaving employees feeling more energized and ready to tackle tasks with vigor. Is it suitable to add the quote ‘work smarter not harder’?

Sound Healing in the Corporate Wellness Program

Incorporating sound healing into your corporate wellness program can be a game-changer. By prioritising employee well-being and offering regular sound healing sessions, businesses can reap multiple benefits:

- Reduced Absenteeism: Improved mental and physical health leads to fewer sick days and increased overall attendance.

- Enhanced Employee Engagement: Employees who feel cared for are more likely to be engaged, contributing positively to the workplace.

- Attracting Top Talent: A strong commitment to employee well-being can attract and retain high-caliber talent, giving your business a competitive edge.

How to Integrate Sound Healing into Your Corporate Wellness Program

Partner with Experts: Collaborate with certified sound healers to design effective and tailored sound healing sessions.

Educate Employees: Organize workshops or informational sessions to familiarize employees with the concept and benefits of sound healing.

Scheduled Sessions: Incorporate regular sound healing sessions into your wellness program calendar, providing employees with a consistent opportunity to unwind and recharge.

Track Progress: Measure changes in employee stress levels, engagement, and absenteeism before and after introducing sound healing to demonstrate its positive impact.

Final Thoughts

In the pursuit of productivity, it's essential not to overlook the well-being of your most valuable asset—your employees. By integrating sound healing into your corporate wellness program, you're not only fostering a more productive workplace but also creating an environment where employees thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally.

To embark on this transformative journey of enhancing productivity through sound healing, reach out to Casey and explore how the gentle power of sound can elevate your corporate wellness program.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice.

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Sound Healing, Mental Health, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing, Mental Health, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell

Sound Healing for Stress Management in Corporate Settings: A Harmonious Solution

Sound Healing for Stress Management, an innovative approach that harnesses the power of soothing sounds to alleviate stress and create a harmonious workplace.

In the bustling world of corporate environments, stress is a constant companion for employees. The pressure to meet deadlines, achieve targets, and navigate daily challenges can take a toll on mental and physical well-being. Enter Sound Healing for Stress Management, an innovative approach that harnesses the power of soothing sounds to alleviate stress and create a harmonious workplace.

Understanding the Impact of Stress in Corporate Life

The corporate world often demands long hours, high expectations, and constant adaptability. Unsurprisingly, this can lead to elevated stress levels among employees. Work-related stress is a significant concern, as it can result in burnout, decreased productivity, and even physical health issues. To combat this, forward-thinking companies are turning to alternative wellness approaches, and sound healing has emerged as a powerful tool for stress reduction.

The Healing Harmony of Sound

Sound healing is an ancient practice that utilizes resonant frequencies and vibrations to induce relaxation and promote overall well-being. Through the use of instruments like crystal singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks, sound healers create soothing auditory landscapes that guide listeners into a state of tranquility. These gentle vibrations penetrate deep into the body, relieving tension, and soothing frazzled nerves.

Sound Healing as a Stress Management Solution

The incorporation of sound healing into corporate settings offers a holistic approach to stress management. This practice provides employees with a safe and rejuvenating space to unwind, recalibrate, and release accumulated stress. Here's how sound healing works its magic:

1. Reduces Cortisol Levels

Cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone, is released in response to stressors. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to chronic stress. Sound healing sessions trigger the relaxation response, reducing cortisol levels and promoting a sense of calm.

2. Enhances Mindfulness and Focus

Sound healing encourages mindfulness—a state of present moment awareness. This heightened mindfulness translates into improved focus and concentration, allowing employees to tackle tasks with clarity and efficiency.

3. Promotes Relaxation and Emotional Well-Being

The soothing sounds of sound healing sessions create a serene atmosphere, fostering emotional balance and relaxation. This can help employees manage emotional stressors and maintain a positive outlook.

4. Fosters Positive Work Relationships

Group sound healing sessions provide a shared experience for employees, fostering a sense of unity and promoting positive interactions among team members. This can significantly contribute to a more harmonious work environment.

5. Sound healing changes brain wave states

It allows the receivers brain to move from busy doing to relaxed and in this place we can heal from sickness & injury & regenerate cells.

6. Sound Healing makes you feel good

Sound triggers the release of endorphins, oxytocin & dopamine feel good hormones & neurotransmitters that help brighten the receivers outlook

7. Lazy Meditation

Sound healing hasimilar effect on the body & mind as meditation with minimal effort from the receiver.

Integrating Sound Healing into Corporate Wellness Programs

Ready to introduce the healing power of sound to your corporate wellness program? Here's how to get started:

1. Partner with Certified Sound Healers

Collaborate with certified sound healers to design effective and tailored sound healing sessions for your employees.

2. Offer Regular Sessions

Incorporate scheduled sound healing sessions into your wellness program calendar to provide employees with consistent stress relief opportunities.

3. Educate Employees

Host workshops or informational sessions to familiarize employees with the concept and benefits of sound healing.

4. Measure and Adapt

Monitor changes in employee stress levels, engagement, and overall well-being to fine-tune your sound healing offerings.

Conclusion: A Sound Future

In the quest for employee well-being and productivity, the integration of sound healing into corporate settings is a harmonious solution. By addressing the root causes of stress through the gentle power of sound, businesses can create a nurturing environment where employees thrive mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Elevate your corporate wellness program with the transformative benefits of sound healing. Contact us to explore how this ancient practice can revolutionize stress management and well-being in your workplace.

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Mental Health, Energy Work, Wellness, Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell Mental Health, Energy Work, Wellness, Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell

The Harmony of Entrainment: Sound Healing and Meditation

Sound Healing has been nicknamed the ‘lazy man’s meditation’ because through a phenomenon called Entrainment we can change brainwave states from busy active Beta & Alpha to relaxed Theta & Delta the space where our body can rest, heal, repair & reach flow state.

If you have tried meditation before but struggled with a busy overactive mind then you are not alone! In this blog you’ll learn that you can swap meditation for sound healing or use them together to achieve the same results.

Graphic of brain on a purple background

Effortless meditation

Sound Healing has been nicknamed the ‘lazy man’s meditation’ by he world reknown sound healer Tim Wheater (one of the leading sound healers in the western world) because through a phenomenon called Entrainment we can change brainwave states.

If you have tried meditation before but struggled with a busy overactive mind then you are not alone! In this blog you’ll learn that you can swap meditation for sound healing or use them together to achieve the same results.


In a busy world filled with constant stimulation, finding moments of inner peace is a precious luxury. Fortunately, both sound healing and meditation offer pathways to tranquility and wellness. These practices harness the power of entrainment, a phenomenon that synchronizes brainwaves and promotes deep relaxation. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of entrainment and delve into how sound healing and meditation are intertwined in their ability to enhance our well-being.

Understanding Entrainment

Entrainment is the process by which one rhythmic system influences another, causing them to synchronize and harmonize. It can be observed in nature, where the rhythmic sounds of ocean waves or chirping birds can induce a sense of calm within us. Entrainment also occurs within our own brains, as neural oscillations align with external rhythms, bringing about a state of resonance and balance.

During a sound healing the brain wave states change from busy day-to-day beta & alpha into slower states like (Theta & Delta) which are the same brainwave states that are achieved when you are in dreaming, deep healing and meditation. These brainwave states reduce stress hormones the body and repair itself from injury & illness. 

Image from

Sound Healing: Harmonising with Vibrations

The practice of sound healing utilizes the power of specific frequencies and vibrations to restore harmony in our bodies and minds. Through the use of various instruments like singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks, sound healers generate resonant tones that penetrate deep into our being, shifting our brainwaves into a state of coherence.
Much like meditation, sound healing induces a relaxed mental state, allowing our minds to let go of stress and enter a state of deep awareness. As we surrender to the vibrations surrounding us, our scattered thoughts become still, and our bodies begin to unwind. With each resonating sound, we feel our entire being attuning to a natural rhythm, promoting a sense of balance and peace.

Meditation: The Symphony of Mindfulness

Meditation, a practice that dates back thousands of years, serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery and stress reduction. By focusing our attention and quieting our minds, we enter a state of mindfulness, creating space for inner exploration and tranquility.
Just as sound healing embraces the power of vibrations, meditation relies on the rhythmic flow of our breath or a repeated mantra to anchor our wandering thoughts. While our brainwaves initially fluctuate, as we relax and deepen our meditation, they begin to align with a slower, calmer rhythm, inducing a meditative state.

The Intersection of Sound Healing and Meditation

Sound healing and meditation share a common goal: to achieve a state of heightened awareness and inner calm. Both practices utilise entrainment to synchronize our brainwaves and promote a sense of equilibrium. As we immerse ourselves in healing soundscapes or meditative states, the vibrations and rhythmic patterns guide our minds into a state of resonance, encouraging deep relaxation and focus.
Moreover, sound healing and meditation are complementary practices. Prior to meditation, sound healing sessions can serve as a gateway to stillness, preparing the mind for deeper introspection and facilitating a more profound meditation experience. Conversely, meditation nurtures receptivity, allowing us to fully absorb the healing vibrations present during a sound healing session.

Embracing Serenity in a Harmonious World

In the realm of entrainment, sound healing and meditation stand as valuable tools for finding serenity in an often chaotic world. By harnessing the power of harmonising vibrations and rhythmic patterns, both practices help release tension, foster inner awareness, and promote overall well-being.
As you explore the realm of sound healing and meditation, remember to approach these practices with an open heart and an open mind. Allow yourself to experience the transformative power of entrainment, and discover the profound harmony that awaits within you.

Experience sound healing from the comfort of your own home. Head to our shop for instant downloads.

Book a session with me here

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Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell

The Battle of Frequencies: Unveiling the Secrets of 432Hz vs 440Hz Tuning

What are the differences and benefits of the music tuning 432hz rather than the standard 440hz

Group of people clapping and singing happy birthday. Man holding cupcake with lit candle in

Have you every tried to sing Happy Birthday in a big group of people and noticed that there are multiple starting notes? I sure have, and it didn’t sound good! It could be that you’ve all started singing in different keys or in fact you are starting on the exact note but a slight variation of it.

To understand this better we must first realise that there are 12 notes on a piano with varying octaves of each note (higher and lower), but each of the 12 notes has 100 variations of the note. These are measured by cents.

Take the middle C note on a piano. This can be played in 100 different variations. If it is a standard tuned piano the middle C would be C0 then there are 50 variations above marked by + and 50 below marked by -. Sounds complicated? To the untrained ear, you very likely wouldn’t hear any difference if the cents are within around 15 of each other. If you added a second piano and played both at the same time but one was C0 and the other was C-20 then you would hear a difference between the notes. In fact, you would likely notice a third sound which we call a binaural beat. So even when you play the exact same song, same notes and same instruments there can be a slight difference and that discordance can be unpleasant. 

In the example of the two pianos playing together, if they notes are all slightly out within a song this is going to sound really weird. If you had 2 guitarists, an entire band or orchestra imagine the cacophony of noise if everyones instruments were tuned to their own thing. In order for instruments to sound pleasant when they are played together, in 1936 the American Standards Association recommended that all instruments be tuned to 440z. Which means that the middle A on a piano/keyboard below the middle C in the 4th octave is vibrating at 440 cycles per second. By 1955 the International Organisation for Standardisation also agreed to this tuning and it became the global standard tuning. This is how a piano in Tooting and a piano in Timbuktu can sound exactly the same.

440hz VS 432hz

There is some speculation that 440hz isn’t as pleasant on our system with studies on its effects on the body and mind vs 432hz. Stress levels, heart rate and blood pressure were measured on participants who listen to the same music twice, once at 440hz and also at 432hz.

The results showed that the high-frequency sound exposure immediately showed its detrimental effect on heartbeats after a short adaptation period in the 440 Hz group and the average values decreased to half of the normal values.

Journal of ecological engeneriging

All popular music is now tuned at 440hz so you would have certainly experienced it before. There are some theories that 440hz was deliberately chosen to oppress people and is a secret military weapon. Whatever you believe, many sound healers instruments will be detuned to 432hz.

Why 432hz?

432 Hz resonates with 8 Hz (the Schumann Resonance), the documented fundamental electromagnetic “heartbeat” of Earth.

Research says that music tuned from this frequency is easier to listen to, brighter, clearer, and contains more inherent dynamic range. As a result, music with this tuning need not be played at higher volumes and thus reduces the risk of hearing damage.

Global News CA


It would be difficult in todays modern world to avoid music tuned to 440hz altogether but perhaps be conscious of how you are feeling when listening to music, if you’re suddenly experiencing anxiety, negative thoughts, stressed feelings out of the blue then perhaps you are being effected by the frequencies. There are many songs that claim to be tuned to 432hz on platforms such as Spotify and YouTube.

If you would like to experience sound healing at 432hz and 528hz then book a sound healing with me.

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Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell

The Healing Power of Sound: Unlocking Benefits for Children

In today's fast-paced and technologically-driven world, stress and anxiety have become all too common for children. As parents, educators, and caregivers, it is essential to explore holistic and non-invasive approaches to healing and promoting well-being in our little ones. One such approach that has gained considerable attention is sound healing.

The Healing Power of Sound: Unlocking Benefits for Children

In today's fast-paced and technologically-driven world, stress and anxiety have become all too common for children. As parents, educators, and caregivers, it is essential to explore holistic and non-invasive approaches to healing and promoting well-being in our little ones. One such approach that has gained considerable attention is sound healing. This ancient practice harnesses the power of sound vibrations to restore balance and promote healing, and it has shown remarkable benefits, particularly for children.

I have been asked many times by parents if I would run sound healings for their children. Although I had no doubt it would be beneficial to the children I was hesitant at first, I wasn’t sure how the children would be around the delicate instruments and also felt that the rigid structure of a traditional sound bath might be difficult for toddlers and older children to sit through.

I decided to start with babies and put on mother and baby day retreats. the very first sound healing was with Holly Husler. I remember sitting in awe at how the energy in the room completely changes. It went from a room of fractious babies to now very quiet and mesmerised babies. The mums also really got to relax into the session and enjoyed being able to access something so lovely whilst with their baby.

After I qualified in sound healing I went on to do more family sessions with babies and the results were the same. I still had my concerns around sound baths for older children because the instruments are very delicate and could easily be damaged. But I was asked time and time again by different familes if I could do sessions that include their little ones so I knew it was something that was really needed.. 

I pulled on my recourses of working with young children for 13 years, looked at the model of a traditional sound healing and decided to take the seriousness out.  Which I will tell you about later….

What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing is a therapeutic practice that utilizes specific sound frequencies and vibrations to help restore harmony and health in the body, mind, and spirit. The principle underlying this practice is that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. When we are in a state of dis-ease or imbalance, soothing sounds can be used to recalibrate the energetic frequencies within our bodies, promoting healing and well-being.

Benefits Of Sound Healing for Children

Promotes Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Children today often face stressors ranging from academic pressure to social challenges. Sound healing provides a safe and gentle approach to help children relax and release stress. Soft, melodic sounds, such as singing bowls or gentle lullabies, can create a serene environment, allowing children to calm their minds and bodies. This practice promotes deep relaxation, reduces anxiety, and improves sleep quality.

Enhances Focus and Concentration

In our highly stimulating world, maintaining focus can be quite challenging for children, especially those with attention-related difficulties. Sound healing techniques, such as listening to specific frequencies or rhythmic patterns, can help stimulate the brain and improve concentration. These sounds engage the auditory system, optimising neural pathways and enhancing cognitive abilities, making it easier for children to concentrate on tasks at hand.

Emotional Regulation and Expression

Children often struggle to express complex emotions, leading to behavioral issues or difficulties in communication. Sound healing offers an effective tool for emotional regulation and expression. By listening to or creating sounds through instruments like drums, chimes or rain sticks, children can explore and release their emotions in a healthy way. Sound vibrations act as a catalyst, facilitating the release of stagnant emotional energy and promoting a sense of emotional balance and well-being.

Neural Development and Language Skills

Research suggests that exposure to music and sound in early childhood positively impacts neural development and language skills. Sound healing techniques can support the development of important auditory processing skills, including sound discrimination and linguistic abilities. Listening to rhythmic patterns, engaging in call and response chanting, or even playing simple musical instruments can have a profound impact on a child's cognitive development, enhancing speech, memory, and language skills.

Improved Social Connections

Sound healing practices, such as group chanting or singing activities, provide opportunities for children to connect and harmonize with others. These communal experiences foster a sense of belonging and encourage cooperation. Through group sound healing activities, children learn to listen and respect one another, nurturing empathy and compassion. It creates a supportive and inclusive environment, promoting the development of healthy social connections.

Imaginative play

Each session will come with visualisations to help the children connect with their body & mind and recognise how they are feeling. Simple guided visualisations can be a fun experience for children to allow thier imaginations to roam wildly with a soothing sound scape to accompany it.

Bringing Sound Healing Into a Child's Life

Introducing sound healing into a child's life can be as simple as playing relaxing instrumental music during bedtime or engaging in interactive music and movement sessions. Enrolling children in activities such as yoga classes with sound bowls or music therapy sessions can offer deeper experiences. However, it is important to consult with professionals experienced in sound healing or music therapy to ensure a safe and appropriate approach for each child's unique needs.

Through my own experiences as a child who was unable to sit still & pay attention in school, I would have loved these sound healing sessions. I remember a supply teacher once gave us a laying down visualisation session and I found it so liberating from the desk & chair was of learning. With this in mind, Sound healing with young children needs to be interactive, fun, engaging and an opportunity for them to be themselves rather than trying to be quiet and still which, doesn’t always come easily to all children. 

My family sessions benefit both the children and the adult and the lovely thing about sound healing is you do not have to lay down, pay attention or understand the sounds to still receive the benefits. We are working on quantum physics - vibrations - and we do not only receive the vibrations through our ears and then brain but also via the receptors on our skin. 

Meaning if you and your little on wanted to do some reading, colouring in, puzzles or have a cuddle and focus only on that, if you are open to the healing then it will still work. 

How will it effect them?

No two sound baths are the same and how the effect people varies. There will be opportunities to shake out sillies and be peaceful and playful. Sound healing has positive effects on sleep & so it is possible you & your family will be ready for bed afterwards!

Is there anything I need to do to prepare? 

Come with anything you will need to be comfortable during the session. that could be some water for each of you and perhaps some technology free entertainment such as books, colouring in, puzzles etc. You will have a space for you & your family in which you may sit or lay down.

In conclusion, sound healing has emerged as a powerful tool to promote emotional well-being, cognitive development, and social connection in children. By harnessing the healing power of sound, we can create a nurturing environment that supports their growth holistically. While sound healing is not meant to replace professional healthcare, it can be a wonderful complementary practice to instill a sense of calm, balance, and harmony in our children's lives.

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Sound Healing, Wellness, Energy Work Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing, Wellness, Energy Work Casey Downie-Campbell

Unlocking the healing power of sound healing - How to get the most of your session

Learn how to get the most out of your sound healing & continue to reap the benefits long after it has ended.

In this blog, we will delve into the captivating world of sound healing and uncover the secrets to maximizing its incredible therapeutic potential. Whether you are new to this ancient practice or have already experienced its wonders, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to get the most from the experience & help you enjoy the benefits long after it has finished. 

Attending a sound healing can be a magic experience for many, but for those who suffer with anxiety going into a new environment can add to those anxieties & concerns.

Before your sound healing experience

Commit to the session

Switch off from work & stressful things before your session.

Eat a light meal

The heavier the meal the more likely you are to fall asleep. That’s ok is that is what you want, the sound healing will still work even if you are asleep. But to make the most of the session, follow along and be aware of the experience a light meal is best.

No drugs or alcohol

Sound Healing is a way to go inward & explore yourself & allow deep healing & transformation. Drugs & alcohol can interfere with this process. Many people describe sound healing experiences to be quite trippy and psychedelic anyway so adding substances to this can increase this feeling and be unsettling for both the user and other participants. Prescription drugs are the exception.

Dress for comfort & warmth

Your body temperature will drop once you are lying down. It is best if you dress in layers and if it isn’t provided in the session have something to cover you over like a blanket.

Have an intention for the session

Be that deep rest, to enjoy the experience or to gain clarity. Having an intention will help sculpt the experience & if the session includes crystal singing bowls the crystals help with manifesting amplification.

During the sound healing 

Try not to compare your experience

Some people may fall asleep instantly or share their wonderful relaxing experience. You always get what you need from a sound healing, even if that means a busy monkey mind throughout. Try to approach the session with an open heart & mind. Setting an intention for the session can be a great way to help shape the experience but also know that if you want & expect to fall asleep & don’t, that it is ok, the sound vibrations are still working on you in so many other ways.

Accept all sounds as part of the sound scape

That could be someone snoring or a belly grumbling as they move into ‘rest & digest’ the calm state of the nervous system. Or a dog may be barking in the background. All sounds are exactly where they are supposed to be and if your mind if wandering during the session, use these sounds & noises to anchor you back into the moment. Bring your attention back to your breathing, back to your intention & back to the sounds. 

After the sound healing 

The effects can continue to work for 24-48 hours after the session

Which means you could feel a little ‘floaty’, lighter, more relaxed afterwards. Often clients will message me the next dy to tell me about the wonderful sleep they have had or the wild dreams. Some may feel more sensitive afterwards so go easy on yourself, take the rest of the day/evening to engage in peaceful relaxing activities and remember that the rest of the world hasn’t had a sound healing so give yourself space from triggering situations & places.

Stay off technology

This is helpful both before, during & after a sound healing. Technology is constantly sending signals that unbalance our nervous system and make our body feel it is in a stressed state, this in turn affects our sleep, mood, digestion & overall wellbeing.

Try grounding techniques

Often some of the more ethereal sounds like crystal singing bowls & chimes can take the energy upwards & almost out of our bodies. This can leave a person feeling floaty & ungrounded. A way to solve this problem is to practise grounding techniques such as:

  • Walking barefoot in nature

  • Giving the feet a massage

  • Taking some deep breaths

  • Eating whole some natural foods 

  • Having a bath or shower

  • Going to sleep

Integrate your experience

Some things may not make sense or you may have downloads & creative ideas. A great way for you to gain a deeper understanding, bring your learnings into your everyday life and to benefit from these experiences are to journal, share & discuss and reflect. No sound healings are the same but if you want to explore your experience further, try to attend another sound healing experience soon after and set your intention to delve deeper and learn more. 

Expand your practises

Wellbeing isn’t linear and it is about finding the practises that work well for you. Sound Healing compliments:

  • Breathwork

  • Meditation

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Tai chi

  • Qi Gong

  • Yoga 

  • Massage

Regular practice of well-being makes it easier to drop into them. Not only will you have a better understanding of what to expect and can relax easier you’ll have less build up of stress and anxiety etc which can slow you down getting into the deeper relaxation states. Work with me regularly by attending my public sound healings. Book a private 121 session. Request a personal Sound Healing recording or purchase my sound healing recordings

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Wellness, Sound Healing, Mental Health Casey Downie-Campbell Wellness, Sound Healing, Mental Health Casey Downie-Campbell

Boost Your Wellbeing whilst at work: At desk activities

Help your team to increase their wellbeing & therefore their productivity with these simple at desk activities

Boost Your Wellbeing whilst at work: Simple Desk Activities to Recharge and Rejuvenate!

In today's fast-paced lifestyle, incorporating regular well-being practices like yoga or meditation to support our physical and mental well-being can be challenging. Ironically, the busier we become, the more essential it is to establish a strong well-being routine. Neglecting to do so can adversely affect both our personal and professional lives.

The demand for assistance in improving mental, emotional, and physical health has significantly increased, prompting forward-thinking companies to introduce regular well-being activities for their employees. 

Many individuals within the workplace commonly experience stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and feelings of being tired and wired, which hampers their ability to concentrate. 

According to Champion Health's 2022 survey, a staggering 76% of individuals employed in corporate environments reported experiencing moderate to high levels of stress. If you can relate to these experiences, please know that you are not alone.

The Impact of Stress on Our Daily Lives

In order to navigate through each day, our brain handles essential life functions such as breathing, temperature regulation, and blood circulation. Simultaneously, it must filter out stressors like loud noises, blue light emitted by electronic devices, environmental pollutants, and everyday pressures. 

Despite our modern context, our ancient body still operates under a programming that originated from a time when being alert to severe threats was crucial. Consequently, it reacts and panics in response to stimuli such as sirens, mistakenly perceiving them as genuine attacks, just as it would if a saber-toothed tiger suddenly lunged at us. Within a fraction of a second, our sympathetic nervous system, responsible for our safety, kicks into action.

It releases cortisol, a stress hormone, into our bodies, and determines whether we should fight, flee, or freeze in response to the perceived threat.

Experiencing occasional stress is generally manageable. However, if we are constantly exposed to stressors and lack a regular well-being practice to regulate our nervous system, it can lead to long-term imbalance or illness in the body. This can manifest in various issues such as anxiety, depression, diminished libido and fertility, sleep disturbances, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, and more. Therefore, it is crucial that we take a proactive approach to prioritize our well-being.

Within a workplace setting, if members of our team are stressed and unable to effectively manage their stress, they are likely to be unresponsive and less productive. Additionally, they may experience a higher likelihood of taking sick leave.

It is understandable that the demands of daily life often place well-being activities low on our priority list. When we are busy, the concept of creating space to do "nothing" may seem peculiar. However, it is important to recognize that by doing less, we actually gain more. More energy, which provides a sense of having more time, increased creativity, inspiration, clarity, and patience. In the long run, investing in our well-being is truly worthwhile. 

As the saying goes,

"Make time to go for a walk in nature every day, unless you are busy. If you're busy, make sure to dedicate one hour for it."

Practical Strategies to Lighten the Workload in Your Workplace

Tailor this approach to suit your needs and make it manageable. It doesn't have to be time-consuming. Devoting just 2 minutes per hour can significantly impact your day.


Emotional Freedom Technique EFT or Tapping

Eye exercises to reduce eye strain

At desk stretches

Tips and tricks to help you make the most of your working day

Checking in with yourself

  • How you are feeling?

  • Are you sitting straight? 

  • Are you unconsciously holding tension in the body e.g. the jaw, the hips, the hands

  • How are you breathing? Shallow breaths into the chest? Or deep breaths into the tummy?

  • When was the last time you stood up and walked around

  • Have you had enough water to drink?

Wellbeing rule
Ensure you stand up every hour, take a break from the immediate environment every two hours, and step outside the building every four hours. Allocate a minimum of 10 minutes away from technology every five hours. Stay hydrated by consuming an ample amount of water. Additionally, make it a point to get some fresh air.

Sound bites 

Listen to sound healing recordings from your desk for a quick dose of calm.

Check out this free sound healing recording with guided meditation.

Wellbeing in the workplace

Arrange a sound healing & meditation experience from your workplace.

I hope this blog has been helpful to your team. If you have any other wellbeing in the workplace suggestions you think should be added to this blog please share them in the comments.

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Sound Healing, Mental Health, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing, Mental Health, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell

Effective Workplace Strategies for Enhancing Team Well-being: Small Changes with Big Impact

10 Must-Have Elements to Support Team Wellbeing in Business
In today's fast-paced and demanding work environment, prioritising employee wellbeing is crucial for businesses seeking to establish a positive and productive work culture. Here are the top 10 must-have elements that all businesses should implement to support the wellbeing of their teams.

Effective Workplace Strategies for Enhancing Team Well-being: Small Changes with Big Impact

Top 10 things you can start doing today to support your teams wellbeing

In today's fast-paced and demanding work environments, prioritising employee well-being is paramount to ensure a thriving and motivated workforce. While major overhauls may seem overwhelming, implementing small changes can have a significant positive impact on the overall well-being of your team. This blog will explore effective workplace strategies that can be easily incorporated to enhance team well-being, fostering a healthier and more productive work environment.

1 - Embrace Fresh Air in the Mornings

Boost vitality and alertness by opening windows to allow invigorating fresh air to permeate the workspace. Increased oxygen levels can enhance mental and physical well-being.

2 - Encourage Stand-Up Breaks

Normalize the practice of taking short breaks to stand up and stretch. By promoting these breaks, individuals benefit both physically and mentally, while reducing time spent idling near the coffee machine or photocopier.

3 - Incorporate Non-Allergenic Plants

Enhance the aesthetics and air quality of the workplace by selecting low-allergen plants. These not only beautify the environment but also cleanse the air, infusing it with oxygen.

4 - Harness the Benefits of Salt Lamps

Consider incorporating salt lamps, as they have been praised for their ability to draw out negative electric energy from the surroundings. Moreover, they are believed to support lung health.

5 - Mitigate Electromagnetic Frequencies

Given the omnipresence of technology in our lives, employ electromagnetic frequency blockers to provide reprieve from harmful blue light emissions, radiations, and vibrations emitted by digital devices. These measures help alleviate the stress imposed on the body.

6 - Mood-Enhancing Music

While not everyone may work effectively with music playing constantly, consider playing soothing tunes during specific times, such as lunch breaks or at the end of the day, to gently signal the passage of time. For instance, when implementing standing breaks, a soft song such as some sound healing could be played every hour as a reminder to take a break.


7 - Foster Group Activities for Wellness

Introduce activities like sound healing sessions, which can contribute to a sense of well-being and cohesion among team members.

8 - Engage in Well-being Challenges

Encourage participation in well-being challenges, such as walking to and from work, substituting coffee with non-caffeinated alternatives, quitting smoking, or adopting healthy habits. These challenges promote personal growth and a healthier lifestyle.

9 - Organise Group Exercises

Arrange group exercises like sponsored swims, fun runs or bike rides such as the London to Brighton. These activities foster team spirit while promoting physical fitness and boosting team morale.

10 - Provide Health Incentives

Motivate healthy choices by offering incentives, such as providing nutritious lunches or rewards for engaging in wellness-related behaviors. This cultivates a supportive environment for making positive health decisions.

By implementing these 10 essential strategies your workplace can create a formal and motivating environment where team wellbeing is prioritised and thrives, resulting in increased productivity & performance, higher job satisfaction, and decreased turnover rates.

Transform & support your teams mind and body with the power of sound – book your corporate sound healing session today and embark on a journey of deep relaxation and rejuvenation.

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Sound Healing, Energy Work, Mental Health Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing, Energy Work, Mental Health Casey Downie-Campbell

How Sound Healing can positively impact the work place

Research from Champion Health shows that stress within the workplace is at an all time high & so forward thinking companies are seeking wellbeing practises to support their teams mental wellbeing.

How Sound Healing can positively impact the work place

And why your team will want to incorporate a regular wellbeing in the workplace practise

When I retrained in 2020 to become a certified sound healer it was with my own mental wellbeing in mind that I pursued this new course. I knew that sound healing had been the only practise that I had experienced that could help my busy brain, anxiety & stress. Once I qualified and started sharing sound with the world I was pleasantly surprised to hear the results my clients had, pain relief, support for depression, improved sleep, greater creativity & the list goes on. When I spoke with my clients further I noticed there were an increasing number of people who work in the corporate world seeking sound healing to help them manage their stress levels & to have some quality downtime.

I decided to do some research into the corporate world to see how employees mental health is, especially post covid and the lockdowns and in my quest to find statistics on workplace wellbeing the results blew my mind. I share some of the data with you in this blog post, as well as feedback from my corporate clients & it feels unless we take action very soon we will have a huge mental health crisis on our hands. Workloads are bigger, deadlines are shorter and despite having technology & automations on ourside, people are still working harder than ever but, to what effect?

The screenshots & data I share in this blog are from Champion Health.They have a brilliant article explaining their findings from extensive research of UK employees in a corporate working setting. I recommend checking them out as they may be able to support your company.

Wellbeing in the workplace

Many forward thinking companies such as Google, Amazon and octopus Energy have actively taken steps to support their staffs wellbeing from within the workplace by introducing services such as massage, yoga, meditation, breathwork and sound healing. Overall, staff have reported feeling:

  • Calmer

  • More peaceful

  • Supported by their company

  • Less stressed

  • Able to focus on their workload

  • They’re more loyal to their company and likely to stay in that role because the benefits are so high.

With stress, depression, financial difficulties, muscular skeletal issues and insomnia being reported to be real concerns for people. Adding Sound healing to your workplaces well-being strategy will reduce your teams stress, anxiety, pain & time off work. 

Since the covid 19 lockdowns reports of mental health issues and increased. Let’s look at some statistics to better understand how employees are feeling generally at the moment.


76% of our professionals are experiencing moderate to high levels of stress - a percentage increase of 13% compared to data from 2022.

Taking into account that stress comes from various sources and that stress can effect individuals differently. 
35% of employees report that the stress they experience at work is having a negative impact on them.

That’s over ⅓ of the workforce feeling the negative effects of stress. It is well known that those under high levels of stress are more likely to:

  • Get sick

  • Take days off sick

  • Struggle to keep up with deadlines and workload

And in turn that could negatively impact the rest of the team. And returning to the previous figure of 67% of the professionals feeling stressed - due to various reasons - that’s ¾ of the workforce potentially unable to work to their full potential as they’re unable to manage their stress load. 

Anxiety and depression

Our data reveals that 60% of employees feel anxious and 56% are experiencing symptoms of depression.

Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain

41% of employees are currently experiencing MSK pain. In the UK alone, 7.3 million working days were lost due to work-related musculoskeletal disorders in 2022.

That is a lot of time off work. Be that for recouperarion or appointments. Staff are needing time off work for support with their body. Sitting at computers for long periods in chairs is known to not be good for our body. Making small changes around the office like:

  • Standing desks 

  • Physical activities 

  • Regular breaks from the computer 


Financial pressure is affecting 37% of individuals.

This makes financial pressure the leading external cause of employee stress, ahead of relationships (32%) and parenting (29%).

Without giving everyone a pay rise, another way to support financial pressures is to offer things that will be of value to the team that they may not be able to afford to do outside of work. Like Sound Healing, Yoga, Meditation. If time and money make it difficult for staff to access these services doing them at work could really help 

Supporting mental health is vital because left untreated anxiety and depression can get worse. Implementing support for mental wellbeing can be the difference between confident, motivated, driven employees and vacant, preoccupied or needy staff.

Take action now, not when things get bad. Prevention is better than cure.

Why should your company implement well-being in the workplace?

If you’re thinking ‘how would this look for my company?’ Or ‘Are my staff stressed?’ Or ‘what is workplace wellbeing programs?’ Then the following lists should help you in your decision. Imagine dedicating around an hour per week to a group activity which, will help

  • Boost team morale

  • Improve productivity

  • Increase energy levels 

  • Enhance the collective mood 

  • Boost sales

It’s a well known fact that when staff are happier and less stressed they work better. Creativity flows through them, less mistakes are made and work is completed at higher standards. 

What workplace activities should I chose? 

There are factors to consider such as:

  • Team size

  • Their abilities (some physical exercises may not be suitable)

  • Their interests 

  • The space you have available 

  • The time of day you can assign to these activities 

  • How regularly you can commit

What types of activities are good for wellbeing in the workplace? 

  • Sound healing 

  • Meditation 

  • Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep)

  • Breathwork

  • Tai chi / qi go

  • Yoga

  • Pilates 

  • Dance

  • Somatics

  • Journaling 

  • Mindfulness 

  • Colouring / art therapy 

  • Massage 

  • Singing 

  • Walks in nature

Things to consider before you book 

  • Being mindful of religions (some religions might not approve of yoga and meditation)

  •  belief systems (vegans might not appreciate puppy yoga) 

  • Health conditions

  • Limiting screen time and sitting at a desk. 

Lastly it should be fun and optional. Something for the team to look forward to and enjoy. Something that makes your company forward thinking with your employees well-being a top priority, leading to staff retention and lots of eager new staff applicants. 


Some practises such as sound healing can have fantastic effects on the overall teams morale. Not all the team need to participate for the whole team to benefit. The improved mood and focus is almost contagious. 

Remember, It isn’t a one and done. You will need to regularly practice these well-being exercises. Most types will compliment the other so you could do a few different sessions throughout the month. I recommend a minimum of monthly sessions, weekly or fortnightly are better if your budget & time  permits. Your team will thank you and long term it will be more lucrative for you. 

Work with me

I offer online & face to face Sound Healing, Meditation & Yoga Nidra sessions for workplaces. Download our corporate sound healing and wellness in the workplace brochure to find out more & to book your next session.

Check out our other blogs about Sound healing int he workplace

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Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell

Being more confident with your own voice through voice activation techniques.

Learn proactive ways to support your throat chakra through vocal activation techniques.

Close up of a white ladies throat. She has whips brown hair out of focus.

Being more confident with your own voice through voice activation techniques. 

12 techniques to unblock your throat chakra 

AFRICAN PROVERB - if you can talk you can sing if you can walk you can dance

With over 7 Billion people in the world, nearly everyone has a voice. A unique collection of sounds that are individual to the person. Our voice is a tool we can use for greatness, to teach, to lead, to inspire and also lesser known is to heal. I’ll speak more on that in a moment. 

There are times in life when we use our voice to its full potential, a crying newborn, a child’s infectious giggle, a roaring woman during childbirth. But so many of us struggle to use our voice to its full potential on a day to day basis. Such as:

  • Speaking as our authentic self.

  • Standing up for ourselves, others and things we believe.

  • Feeling heard and understood by others.

  • Being able to vocalise what we want & what we do not want. 

  • Public speaking. 

  • Singing in front of others. 

Why is this?

Time after time I hear people saying they were silenced as a child, told things like ‘children should be seen and not heard’ or ridiculed for being ‘too much’. Can comments from our childhood really have a detrimental effect on us and cause other health issues later in life?

The answer is, YES! Absolutely yes it can.

If you are told something enough times you will begin to believe it. Even on a subconscious level you’ll know that you need to be quiet, consider others, ’be a good girl/boy’ and take other people's feelings into account. Now this isn’t about blaming others or feeling bad, this blog is to inspire, motivate and hopefully get you using your authentic voice in a healing way from today (if you aren’t already doing so of course).

The Throat Chakra

On a spiritual level the voice is connected to the Throat Chakra. The 5th of the 7 main chakras - energy centres in the body that relate to organs and emotions. If you’re having problems with your throat chakra that could manifest into other issues such as:

Physical ailments 

  • Sore throat

  • Sinus issues

  • Ear infections and ache

  • Jaw clenching or pain e.g. TMJ

  • Neck pain 

  • Constant colds

  • Thyroid issues 

  • Tonsillitis 

  • Toothache

  • Breathing difficulties 

  • Weak/underpowered voice 

Psychological ailments 

  • Inability to express yourself

  • Tell lies

  • Be extremely shy

  • Have difficulty communicating 1-2-1

If chakras are blocked, over or under powered this can affect all of the chakras as there needs to be a clear channel for energy (prana) to flow up and down the body. I imagine the chakras like cogs with glitter (you can also envision other things like sand, water etc) and the cogs need to move & spin as they are supposed to in order for energy to effectively move up and down the body. If any of the cogs are out of time this affects and disrupts the overall flow of energy. 


Some people go as far to say that if you’re unable to use your voice to its full potential this could be a witch wound - an inherited trauma from a past life or inherited trauma from your family. 

What does all this mean for you? 

If you’re unable to speak up, say what’s really on your mind, if public speaking fills you with fear, if you feel misunderstood or not listened to then this is already affecting you. The good news is there is definitely action you can take to help you feel better and step into your power. Applying these techniques could help you:

  • Feel more confident

  • Increase self worth

  • Get that job 

  • End that unhealthy relationship

  • Start receiving more pleasure by getting exactly what you want! 

  • Heal yourself from the inside out

  • Bring your body into a state of flow and harmony. Improving your overall well being.

  • Heal relationships

How can you start stepping into your power and using your authentic voice?

There are so many techniques you can tap into. Find the ones that resonate and work best for you and use them generously, liberally and regularly. 

This is a long term self care project so you may overcome one challenge but then find you need to refine your skills to accomplish another challenge. 

Watch out for triggers E.g. a parent telling you to be quiet, as these can bring those feelings right back. 

There is no voice in the world like yours!! £0

Your voice is a powerful tool, an instrument created perfectly to heal your body. We may not always like the sound of our voice ESPECIALLY when we hear it played on a video ‘eeew cringe’ but, getting to love our own unique sound is one of the first steps in total world domination, or at least, confidently speaking up when necessary. 

Watch how you are speaking to yourself or about situations. Listen out of negativity and tweak your language to reflect your more empowered, loving self. 

Humming -£0

Everything is vibration, all sounds, including our voices. Take a deep breath in and on the exhale, keeping the lips closed hum. It might feel a little odd at first and even quite tickly on your lips. What is happening is the vibrations from the hum are massaging your throat! Sending perfectly tuned healing vibrations into your body! 
Think of the best singers and vocal performers, they will all have a rigorous vocal warm up which will include humming, sirening, lip fluttering and neck and face exercises

When we hum we create nitric oxide and that’s good for our circulatory system. It dilates and constricts blood vessels which can improve blood pressure and therefore heart health.

Healing through what you say -£0

There is so much power in the words we say and the thoughts we have, as discovered in Dr Emoto’s water has emotions experiments. Speech can be spells and incantations even when we aren’t consciously meaning the message behind the words. If you’re constantly putting yourself down or speaking negatively this can weaken your throat chakra. 

Rewording self talk -£0

If you catch yourself using negative self-talk or language, don’t beat yourself up (then it becomes a vicious cycle) simply notice, acknowledge what you have said, see if there is anything behind that statement. Is it conditioning from society? Insecurity? Frustration? Then see if you can rephrase the statement in a more positive way.  

‘I’m so stupid’ to ‘It’s ok to make mistakes. It’s ok I didn’t know this time, I’ll learn from this experience and know for next time’ 

‘I messed that up’ to ‘That didn’t go how I’d have liked it to. It’s happened now, I’ll do it differently next time.’ 

Healing mantra’s to try £0

Aham prema - I am love 

Sat Nam - Sat means “truth.” Nam means “identity.” Together, sat nam means “truth is my identity.”  

So Hum - This translates to: “I am that.”

Affirmations to try £0

  • I speak my authentic truth

  • I am understood 

  • I communicate clearly & effectively

  • I am heard 

  • I am confident in what I have to say

Scripting £0

Take some time to create a script unique to you. It doesn’t have to be long, perhaps just a few sentences. Write down in a positive way all of the things you love about yourself. Some things, you might not feel or think them yet but in time after repeating the script several times a day over a period of time you will begin to see yourself in this way. 

An example of scripting

‘I see how far I have come & how much I have achieved in life. I am proud of the person I have become. I speak my truth in a compassionate and authentic way. I listen and see what is presented to me. I am love, I am loving, I am loved’

Chanting - £0

This has been used for thousands of years, it is deeply rooted in religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. 

Try chanting the seed sound for the throat chakra. This sound resonates at the same frequency as this particular chakra.

Take a deep breath in and on the exhale chant the sound HAM

Here are some of my favourite songs to chant 

Listen to uplifting positive music, sing along if you can (even if that is in the shower) £0

Surround yourself with the positivity you want to bring into your life. If you truly listen to a lot of mainstream music it isn’t conducive to healing, the messages in the music are ego, money, sex, drugs and sorrow orientated. There is a plethora of well-being music available on streaming services such as Spotify, music about the power within you, that you’re open to receiving it there is goodness coming to you etc here are some of my favourite feel good tracks
Play these songs often and sing along to them. You are affirming these positive words into your being and proclaiming it to the universe.

Sound therapy - £-£££

There are Sound healing tools tuned specifically to the throat chakra. You can attend a session with a trained sound practitioner or invest in some of your own instruments such as crystal singing bowls, tuning forks or chimes. Set the intention to work on your throat chakra, to release any blockages and allow energy to freely flow through the throat and keep your focus on this space whilst the instruments are played. Vibrational healing will send a soothing massage to this area helping to unblock and re energise the throat chakra.

Singing £ - ££

Singing is good for the soul! It may not always sound typically ‘nice’ when we sing, especially if we don’t have formal training or a keen ear for tune but, the words you sing, the energy behind it and the vibrations from the sound can all be tremendous in sending good vibes into your body. You don’t have to have the vocal range of Mariah Carey either. 

Just spend time singing and really listening to what comes out. What does your unique authentic voice sound like? A little croaky, husky, smooth, silky, deep, high, squeaky, powerful? There is no right or wrong. The objective isn’t to go on stage and perform but instead to learn more about yourself and build your confidence. 

The vocal cords are muscles and like all muscles, need training. If you haven’t sung in a long time or it’s first thing in the morning when you haven’t even spoken much it’s likely your voice won’t have so much power and be croaky. That’s ok! Take it easy at those times, perhaps use the humming example above to warm your vocal cords before you burst into song. 
Just observe what type of songs you want to sing, how they make you feel, when you want to sing (like in the shower, in the car, whilst alone). When we sing we release happy hormones such as endorphins and oxytocin which help to reduce anxiety and stress. 

If you want an extra challenge why don’t you try some group singing? Go to Kirtan, sign up to a community choir or go to a church. 

Vocal activation classes £££

These can be 1-2-1 or group sessions, working with a professional that will help you get the most out of your voice. It’s not a singing class however singing may be used as a technique to help you activate your voice. They may also get you to do lots of exercises that feel a little silly like making animal sounds, assigning sounds to physical actions etc, they’re all designed to break down the fear of making sounds and strengthen your voice and confidence. With regular use these sessions can open up your vocal range, build strength and technique and be lots of fun! 


We are born with a voice and it is our gift to be able to use it positively for ourselves and others. It isn't something that comes naturally to many people, try some of the exercises above, find the ones that work best for you and notice the ones you are hesitant to do.

In time, you’ll begin to strengthen your vocal muscles as well as your confidence & start getting your unique & powerful voice out into the world!

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Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell

What are the contraindications of Sound Healing?

Sound Healing has been used for centuries and is very safe and effective. However, there may be times when it is not suitable. Read the contraindications for pregnancy, mental health issues and more


Anything (including a symptom or medical condition) that is a reason for a person to not receive a particular treatment or procedure because it may be harmful.

What You Should Know

Sound healing has been practised for centuries across cultures, providing a safe and effective way to enhance wellbeing. While it is a non-invasive and gentle therapy, there are instances where you may need to consult your practitioner or health adviser before participating. Understanding these contraindications ensures that you receive the maximum benefit from the experience while keeping your health and safety a priority.

How Sound Healing Works
Sound healing therapy involves using various instruments, each tuned to specific frequencies, to create healing vibrations. These vibrations resonate with your body, impacting 100% of your cells and offering the same benefits as meditation, such as relaxation, stress relief, and emotional release. For more information on how sound healing works, be sure to check out our other blog .

Key Contraindications for Sound Healing & Energy Work

1. Pregnancy – 1st and 3rd Trimester

Sound healing offers numerous benefits for expectant mothers, but special precautions should be taken during the first and third trimesters.

  • Sound Amplification: Sound travels faster through liquid, meaning that the baby will experience an amplified version of the sound. This heightened exposure could overstimulate the baby or damage their hearing.

  • Hormonal Impact: Sound healing triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone involved in bonding, love, and labour. While oxytocin release is usually beneficial, in pregnant women, particularly in the later stages, it could potentially stimulate early labour.

  • Physical Release: Sound healing can prompt the body to "release" stored tensions, which could, in rare cases, lead to early labour or miscarriage during these sensitive periods.

If you're pregnant and still wish to attend, discuss any concerns with your practitioner and consider modifications like sitting or lying further away from the instruments to reduce the intensity of the vibrations.

2. Heart Conditions

If you have a history of heart conditions or have a pacemaker, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider before attending a sound healing session, especially one that involves strong vibrations, such as a gong bath. These vibrations could affect the pacemaker or create discomfort for those with certain heart issues.

3. Metal Plates or Implants

Although sound healing is generally safe, some uncertainty exists about its effect on individuals with metal implants like pins or plates. While the research is inconclusive, it’s wise to speak with a medical professional beforehand. Notify your sound therapist so they can make necessary accommodations to ensure your comfort and safety during the session.

4. Mental Health Conditions

Sound healing can be incredibly beneficial for mental health, helping to release emotional blockages and promote relaxation. However, those with mental health concerns should speak with their practitioner in advance. Sound healing often triggers emotional releases, which can bring up intense feelings. A skilled practitioner will create a safe and supportive environment, allowing you to explore and process these emotions at your own pace.

5. Sound Sensitivity or Highly Sensitive Individuals

If you are particularly sensitive to sound, it's recommended that you sit further away from the instruments or ask that the sound not be directed at you. Communicate your preferences to the practitioner, who can tailor the session to minimise discomfort and still provide a beneficial experience.

6. Hearing Impaired or Deaf Individuals

People who are hearing impaired or deaf can still benefit from sound healing. While they may not hear the sounds, they will experience the healing vibrations through their bodies. It is suggested that hearing-impaired individuals sit closer to the instruments to feel the full effect of the sound waves.

Safety Tips and Final Considerations

  • Communicate with Your Practitioner: Whether you're pregnant, have a heart condition, or are sensitive to sound, always inform your practitioner of your condition beforehand. This allows them to modify the session to suit your needs.

  • Speak to Your Doctor: For conditions like heart issues or metal implants, it's wise to get the green light from a healthcare provider before attending a sound bath or therapy session.

  • Personal Comfort: Ultimately, you know your body best. If at any point you feel uncomfortable during a session, it's okay to stop, take a break, or ask for adjustments.

Sound healing can be a deeply restorative practice when approached with mindfulness and care. By considering these contraindications and taking the appropriate precautions, you can safely enjoy the calming, therapeutic benefits of this ancient practice.

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Wellness, Sound Healing, Energy Work Casey Downie-Campbell Wellness, Sound Healing, Energy Work Casey Downie-Campbell

What is Sound Healing? A Deeper connection and the science behind sound healing.

Learn what Sound Healing is exactly, the science behind how it works and start experiencing the benefits for yourself.

Casey playing crystal singing bowls during a sound healing

a Deeper connection and the science behind sound healing.

Sound healing is an ancient healing modality that has its origins all around the globe including in Egypt, India & China. It is a well-being practice that goes by many names including but not limited to sound medicine, sound meditation, sound journeys, sound baths, sound bath meditation and sound therapy.

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

How does sound healing work?

There are 3 ways Sound Healing can effect us:


Although there are many different types of sound healing, fundamentally, it works using specially tuned instruments such as gongs, crystal singing bowls and tuning forks. They are played by a trained Sound Healer and those instruments vibrate at different frequencies (the rate per second of a vibration constituting a wave) which match frequencies in the body. 

According to quantum physics, everything is energy and energy is vibration, therefore, each cell in the human body has a unique vibration & frequency. From time to time things can affect these frequencies such as poor diet, lack of sleep, stress & illness and the body becomes out of harmony. When that happens it can manifest as dis-ease and we can get sick or feel stuck in life.

Vibration in quantum physics means that everything is energy. We are beings that vibrate at certain frequencies.

The image below shows brain activity in waves depending on the state we are in. There is more movement when we are awake, thinking and busy than when we are resting or during meditation. Sound Healing helps the brain move into the less active states Alpha and Theta without great effort from the participant.


Through a rhythmic phenomenon called entrainment wherein, a temporary synchronisation occurs between two systems in motion. The instruments which are tuned to different body parts, chakras and emotions are played & remind 100% of the cells in the body of their correct frequency. In time the cells respond by moving back into their correct vibrational speed.


Another way in which sound healing works is through cymatics. If you imagine a large speaker playing music, if the music is loud enough you can see the speakers moving as the music plays. Imagine you put something on top of the speaker for example some tissue paper, as the music plays the tissue will move and jump about in the air. As the music plays and the speaker vibrates the air in front of the speaker moves. This is happening inside your body on a sonic level. When you attend a Sound Healing session the vibrations from the instruments travel through the air to your body where it is received by your body via the receptors on your skin.

Hanging gong upside-down with water on its surface. As the front of the gong is stroked with the mallet the water creates beautiful ripples, waves and patterns. This is an example of cymatics and how sound vibrations effect our body.

What instruments are in a sound healing session

Depending on the practitioner you’ll likely see a variety of instruments from deep, powerful, earthly gongs and Tibetan bowls to more ethereal-sounding crystal singing bowls and chimes. Your practitioner will take you on a sound journey with energetic highs and lows to help shift a variety of energies. Usually sound healing isn’t rhythmic and instruments are intuitively played.

Use the power of crystal singing bowls to help you set your intentions for the day

Gong being played at a sound healing

Who is sound healing for?

Everyone of any age, gender, race, religion or class. 

You don’t have to feel you have an ‘issue’ such as anxiety, insomnia or stress to attend, although sound healing will certainly help with these too. It can be used as a self-care practice, something to energise you and as an enjoyable experience. 

In this modern world, we are constantly having to filter out stressful sounds including sirens, transport, alarms etc and as our time on digital devices increases and our time outside in nature decreases Sound healing is a nice peaceful break away from busy day-to-day life and an opportunity to unwind and relax. 

There are some contraindications for sound healing such as when you're in the first and third trimester of pregnancy. It is best to speak with the sound therapist practitioner before you book your first session if you are concerned.

What do I have to do?

Nothing! Most people prefer to lie down somewhere comfortable so that they can let go of physical tension. However, you can also sit up in a supported position. It is very safe and non-invasive. The receiver needs to do nothing more than approach with an open mind. Many people fall asleep during the session.

What can I expect from a sound healing session?

Everyone's experience will be different, however, there are often common things people experience including feeling really relaxed and well rested, feeling as though time slows down or goes very quickly, some people have visions and great ideas, others see beautiful sacred geometric shapes or colours. Whatever your experience during the session - it is likely to change every time as no 2 sound healing sessions are ever the same - you can rest assured that if you drift off to sleep or your mind wanders elsewhere the magic and science of sound healing will still work. You don’t have to listen or work hard to pay attention as the vibrations travel through your body using cymatics rather than just through your ears.

After a sound healing

I advise attendees to go slow after class. Take a few minutes to ground yourself - that could be with a cup of tea, taking some gentle stretches or walking around barefoot. Depending on the time of day and intention of the healing e.g. for more rest or for more creativity you may feel revitalised ready to go about your day or you may feel ready for bed. The vibrations will still be working for 24 to 48 hours after the session. 

Unleash the Healing Power of Sound: Download Our Online Sound Healings Today!

You can access peaceful and transformative experiences anytime and anywhere. Gone are the days of attending physical sessions or waiting for an appointment. Simply download our sessions, and embark on your healing journey at your own pace.

Download Our Sound Healings and Liberate Your Soul

How can I book a face to face sound healing?

You can either attend a public class (link below), book a 1-2-1 , private group or corporate/work event.


Below is a Spotify playlist of some of our favourite sound healing songs for you to enjoy.

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Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell

What is an 8D music experience and 4 reasons why you should be listening to it.

Learn about an 8D music experience and why you should start listening to it now

White lady in neutral colours working from her bed on a laptop and notepad. She is wearing headphones

What is an 8D music experience and 4 reasons why you should be listening to it. 

This innovative relaxing sound experience is raved about by people with anxieties, stress, OCD & ADHD but what actually is an 8D music experience? And is it something you should add to your existing music for well-being playlist? 

When you listen to live music, especially when there are multiple instruments playing, your ears perceive the sounds coming from different directions. This is a great exercise for your brain. Your brain receives the layers of sounds and works to unpack them by analysing each sound.

When listening to recorded music on a speaker for instance, not only have the sounds been compressed together making them more difficult for your brain to separate but also, all sounds are often coming from one direction - unless of course, you have a fancy sound system with all the bells and whistles and speakers arranged around the room - therefore music from speakers and headphones etc can lack a sort of richness you get from listening to a live band.

What happens when you experience 8D music 

I should start by saying, it is always best when you listen to 8D that it is via headphones so that your ears can receive the sounds as intended irregardless of your position to the source. They don’t need to be special headphones although noise cancelling ones are best!

During the track you’ll notice you can hear sounds in one direction and then you can almost feel the sounds moving around your head. It is as if the sounds were dancing left to right, up and down, diagonally etc. You’ll be able to perceive the sounds in varying directions, sometimes just singular focused sounds and other times a whole range of pleasant sounds, music, nature sounds etc moving around your head. Some experiences can feel almost as if you are walking and can hear your surroundings pass you by without any actual physical movements. 

Where you can experience 8D music

There are a wide range of songs available to listen to on platforms like YouTube and Spotify and various genres to suit many tastes including some popular music which has been edited in this way. 

Generally I like to make listening to 8D music an experience, its not for when I am busy, or moving around and instead like a meditation wherein I am free from distractions, can lay down comfortably and listen. One or two tracks and I am usually good to carry on with the activities I was doing before but perhaps with a bit more gusto.

How does it compare to regular sound healing 

Although this is a very pleasant immersive sound experience and is a fantastic way to be fully present, in the moment and out of your head which, can help with things like anxiety and stress, unless the music is recorded with specifically tuned sound healing instruments then it won’t have quite the same vibrational effect as a sound bath. Some tracks have been designed specifically for calming the mind and they contain binaural beats which is a form of sound healing, so bare this in mind when looking for tracks to listen to.

Asian lady wearing orange headphones whilst working at a computer

Why you should start listening to 8D music

8d music is reportedly very beneficial for people with

  • ADHD

  • Difficultly focusing/concentrating

  • High stress levels

  • Anxiety

4 Top reasons to add 8D music to your wellbeing playlists are:

  1. It helps to lower stress levels

  2. Can be very calming and good background music to help you with working and studying

  3. There is a wide range of songs to suit different moods and genre preferences

  4. Helps bring you into your body & out of your mind, brilliant when you’re feeling anxious, stressed or worried

    What are your favourite 8D music tracks?

    Comment below and let me know :-)

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