Sound Healing, Energy Work, Mental Health Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing, Energy Work, Mental Health Casey Downie-Campbell

How Sound Healing can positively impact the work place

Research from Champion Health shows that stress within the workplace is at an all time high & so forward thinking companies are seeking wellbeing practises to support their teams mental wellbeing.

How Sound Healing can positively impact the work place

And why your team will want to incorporate a regular wellbeing in the workplace practise

When I retrained in 2020 to become a certified sound healer it was with my own mental wellbeing in mind that I pursued this new course. I knew that sound healing had been the only practise that I had experienced that could help my busy brain, anxiety & stress. Once I qualified and started sharing sound with the world I was pleasantly surprised to hear the results my clients had, pain relief, support for depression, improved sleep, greater creativity & the list goes on. When I spoke with my clients further I noticed there were an increasing number of people who work in the corporate world seeking sound healing to help them manage their stress levels & to have some quality downtime.

I decided to do some research into the corporate world to see how employees mental health is, especially post covid and the lockdowns and in my quest to find statistics on workplace wellbeing the results blew my mind. I share some of the data with you in this blog post, as well as feedback from my corporate clients & it feels unless we take action very soon we will have a huge mental health crisis on our hands. Workloads are bigger, deadlines are shorter and despite having technology & automations on ourside, people are still working harder than ever but, to what effect?

The screenshots & data I share in this blog are from Champion Health.They have a brilliant article explaining their findings from extensive research of UK employees in a corporate working setting. I recommend checking them out as they may be able to support your company.

Wellbeing in the workplace

Many forward thinking companies such as Google, Amazon and octopus Energy have actively taken steps to support their staffs wellbeing from within the workplace by introducing services such as massage, yoga, meditation, breathwork and sound healing. Overall, staff have reported feeling:

  • Calmer

  • More peaceful

  • Supported by their company

  • Less stressed

  • Able to focus on their workload

  • They’re more loyal to their company and likely to stay in that role because the benefits are so high.

With stress, depression, financial difficulties, muscular skeletal issues and insomnia being reported to be real concerns for people. Adding Sound healing to your workplaces well-being strategy will reduce your teams stress, anxiety, pain & time off work. 

Since the covid 19 lockdowns reports of mental health issues and increased. Let’s look at some statistics to better understand how employees are feeling generally at the moment.


76% of our professionals are experiencing moderate to high levels of stress - a percentage increase of 13% compared to data from 2022.

Taking into account that stress comes from various sources and that stress can effect individuals differently. 
35% of employees report that the stress they experience at work is having a negative impact on them.

That’s over ⅓ of the workforce feeling the negative effects of stress. It is well known that those under high levels of stress are more likely to:

  • Get sick

  • Take days off sick

  • Struggle to keep up with deadlines and workload

And in turn that could negatively impact the rest of the team. And returning to the previous figure of 67% of the professionals feeling stressed - due to various reasons - that’s ¾ of the workforce potentially unable to work to their full potential as they’re unable to manage their stress load. 

Anxiety and depression

Our data reveals that 60% of employees feel anxious and 56% are experiencing symptoms of depression.

Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain

41% of employees are currently experiencing MSK pain. In the UK alone, 7.3 million working days were lost due to work-related musculoskeletal disorders in 2022.

That is a lot of time off work. Be that for recouperarion or appointments. Staff are needing time off work for support with their body. Sitting at computers for long periods in chairs is known to not be good for our body. Making small changes around the office like:

  • Standing desks 

  • Physical activities 

  • Regular breaks from the computer 


Financial pressure is affecting 37% of individuals.

This makes financial pressure the leading external cause of employee stress, ahead of relationships (32%) and parenting (29%).

Without giving everyone a pay rise, another way to support financial pressures is to offer things that will be of value to the team that they may not be able to afford to do outside of work. Like Sound Healing, Yoga, Meditation. If time and money make it difficult for staff to access these services doing them at work could really help 

Supporting mental health is vital because left untreated anxiety and depression can get worse. Implementing support for mental wellbeing can be the difference between confident, motivated, driven employees and vacant, preoccupied or needy staff.

Take action now, not when things get bad. Prevention is better than cure.

Why should your company implement well-being in the workplace?

If you’re thinking ‘how would this look for my company?’ Or ‘Are my staff stressed?’ Or ‘what is workplace wellbeing programs?’ Then the following lists should help you in your decision. Imagine dedicating around an hour per week to a group activity which, will help

  • Boost team morale

  • Improve productivity

  • Increase energy levels 

  • Enhance the collective mood 

  • Boost sales

It’s a well known fact that when staff are happier and less stressed they work better. Creativity flows through them, less mistakes are made and work is completed at higher standards. 

What workplace activities should I chose? 

There are factors to consider such as:

  • Team size

  • Their abilities (some physical exercises may not be suitable)

  • Their interests 

  • The space you have available 

  • The time of day you can assign to these activities 

  • How regularly you can commit

What types of activities are good for wellbeing in the workplace? 

  • Sound healing 

  • Meditation 

  • Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep)

  • Breathwork

  • Tai chi / qi go

  • Yoga

  • Pilates 

  • Dance

  • Somatics

  • Journaling 

  • Mindfulness 

  • Colouring / art therapy 

  • Massage 

  • Singing 

  • Walks in nature

Things to consider before you book 

  • Being mindful of religions (some religions might not approve of yoga and meditation)

  •  belief systems (vegans might not appreciate puppy yoga) 

  • Health conditions

  • Limiting screen time and sitting at a desk. 

Lastly it should be fun and optional. Something for the team to look forward to and enjoy. Something that makes your company forward thinking with your employees well-being a top priority, leading to staff retention and lots of eager new staff applicants. 


Some practises such as sound healing can have fantastic effects on the overall teams morale. Not all the team need to participate for the whole team to benefit. The improved mood and focus is almost contagious. 

Remember, It isn’t a one and done. You will need to regularly practice these well-being exercises. Most types will compliment the other so you could do a few different sessions throughout the month. I recommend a minimum of monthly sessions, weekly or fortnightly are better if your budget & time  permits. Your team will thank you and long term it will be more lucrative for you. 

Work with me

I offer online & face to face Sound Healing, Meditation & Yoga Nidra sessions for workplaces. Download our corporate sound healing and wellness in the workplace brochure to find out more & to book your next session.

Check out our other blogs about Sound healing int he workplace

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Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell Sound Healing Casey Downie-Campbell

What are the contraindications of Sound Healing?

Sound Healing has been used for centuries and is very safe and effective. However, there may be times when it is not suitable. Read the contraindications for pregnancy, mental health issues and more


Anything (including a symptom or medical condition) that is a reason for a person to not receive a particular treatment or procedure because it may be harmful.

What You Should Know

Sound healing has been practised for centuries across cultures, providing a safe and effective way to enhance wellbeing. While it is a non-invasive and gentle therapy, there are instances where you may need to consult your practitioner or health adviser before participating. Understanding these contraindications ensures that you receive the maximum benefit from the experience while keeping your health and safety a priority.

How Sound Healing Works
Sound healing therapy involves using various instruments, each tuned to specific frequencies, to create healing vibrations. These vibrations resonate with your body, impacting 100% of your cells and offering the same benefits as meditation, such as relaxation, stress relief, and emotional release. For more information on how sound healing works, be sure to check out our other blog .

Key Contraindications for Sound Healing & Energy Work

1. Pregnancy – 1st and 3rd Trimester

Sound healing offers numerous benefits for expectant mothers, but special precautions should be taken during the first and third trimesters.

  • Sound Amplification: Sound travels faster through liquid, meaning that the baby will experience an amplified version of the sound. This heightened exposure could overstimulate the baby or damage their hearing.

  • Hormonal Impact: Sound healing triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone involved in bonding, love, and labour. While oxytocin release is usually beneficial, in pregnant women, particularly in the later stages, it could potentially stimulate early labour.

  • Physical Release: Sound healing can prompt the body to "release" stored tensions, which could, in rare cases, lead to early labour or miscarriage during these sensitive periods.

If you're pregnant and still wish to attend, discuss any concerns with your practitioner and consider modifications like sitting or lying further away from the instruments to reduce the intensity of the vibrations.

2. Heart Conditions

If you have a history of heart conditions or have a pacemaker, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider before attending a sound healing session, especially one that involves strong vibrations, such as a gong bath. These vibrations could affect the pacemaker or create discomfort for those with certain heart issues.

3. Metal Plates or Implants

Although sound healing is generally safe, some uncertainty exists about its effect on individuals with metal implants like pins or plates. While the research is inconclusive, it’s wise to speak with a medical professional beforehand. Notify your sound therapist so they can make necessary accommodations to ensure your comfort and safety during the session.

4. Mental Health Conditions

Sound healing can be incredibly beneficial for mental health, helping to release emotional blockages and promote relaxation. However, those with mental health concerns should speak with their practitioner in advance. Sound healing often triggers emotional releases, which can bring up intense feelings. A skilled practitioner will create a safe and supportive environment, allowing you to explore and process these emotions at your own pace.

5. Sound Sensitivity or Highly Sensitive Individuals

If you are particularly sensitive to sound, it's recommended that you sit further away from the instruments or ask that the sound not be directed at you. Communicate your preferences to the practitioner, who can tailor the session to minimise discomfort and still provide a beneficial experience.

6. Hearing Impaired or Deaf Individuals

People who are hearing impaired or deaf can still benefit from sound healing. While they may not hear the sounds, they will experience the healing vibrations through their bodies. It is suggested that hearing-impaired individuals sit closer to the instruments to feel the full effect of the sound waves.

Safety Tips and Final Considerations

  • Communicate with Your Practitioner: Whether you're pregnant, have a heart condition, or are sensitive to sound, always inform your practitioner of your condition beforehand. This allows them to modify the session to suit your needs.

  • Speak to Your Doctor: For conditions like heart issues or metal implants, it's wise to get the green light from a healthcare provider before attending a sound bath or therapy session.

  • Personal Comfort: Ultimately, you know your body best. If at any point you feel uncomfortable during a session, it's okay to stop, take a break, or ask for adjustments.

Sound healing can be a deeply restorative practice when approached with mindfulness and care. By considering these contraindications and taking the appropriate precautions, you can safely enjoy the calming, therapeutic benefits of this ancient practice.

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